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Everything posted by terrysoldpennies

  1. terrysoldpennies

    More Pennies

    I followed that one too Ian. I've intensified and straightened the pics.
  2. terrysoldpennies

    UK Election

    Well Tony Blair [ Labour of course] took us to war in Iraq , propping up Bush's spurious claims of weapons of mass destruction so as to secure oil concessions for US companies I presume , this has of course left us in the west with the problems we now face with Muslims . With the exception of the Attlee government, I have during my seven decades seen the Labour party came to power three times , under Wilson / Wilson-Callaghan / Blair- Brown , and every time they've left us with an economic disaster , and frankly I think it would have been even worse under Corbyn.
  3. terrysoldpennies

    More Pennies

    I have a few of what you would call dot / comer pennies . and in most cases they are never perfectly round as is the case with the 1897 , and I think this is because they were caused by a crack in the die having small pieces braking away , and then the sharp edges smoothing and rounding off. Though in the case of the 1897 it might be that a sharp pointed object was dropped onto the face of the die, which could leave a cleaner round dot. Below is an unlisted 1934 penny with an extra dot, caused I think by a die crack.
  4. terrysoldpennies

    More Pennies

    The jury's still out on the 1897 Dot . it was at first thought to be a identification marker , but its now thought to be the result of an indentation made on the top of the die , thereby giving a neat full stop like appearance . As to the Vigtoria Richard doesn't show this close up picture on his site , and as you can see the G looks far to neat in shape to be the result of a die crack, so I would favour the over stamped G made in error as the most likely cause , as the font punch used it could have come from dies used on different denominations or from a foreign coin type being produced at the mint.
  5. terrysoldpennies

    Alan Hunt coins?

    When my wife worked in the city back in the 1960s, she had a client with the name of Mr Slocock !! , was this an inherited family problem for them, or not. I do of course mean the name.
  6. terrysoldpennies

    Alan Hunt coins?

    I live near Bacon End. Its an absolute Pigs Arse to find.
  7. terrysoldpennies

    More Pennies

    I assume it must have been in circulation for a few years as you say, but at the time I doubt she would have noticed how worn the coin was . To late to ask her now.
  8. terrysoldpennies

    More Pennies

    I posted this some time back . It just goes to show what can go through your fingers which you later regret. Talking of what was, and was not released into circulation , during the war my mother picked up in change a brass 3d piece, which to her was just a 3d bit to spend ,she at that time had absolutely no thoughts at all of coin collecting , as after all there was a war on and she was a teenager with thoughts only of spending money . Anyway, she just glancing at the coin and noticed that the tails side was different to the normal 3d, being as she said, different with more of a stylised design than normal , but then gave the coin no more thought, and passed it to the bus conductor to pay for her fare . Well, many years later , after starting to collect coins, she found out about the Edward viii 3d piece with the stylised reverse, and knew that was what she had held in her hand all those years before , she felt sick, thinking if only I had known of there existence at the time, and if only she had turned the coin over she might have noticed that it was an Edward viii 3d, and not the George vi . I believe these were all pattern coins, and were not supposed to be released into circulation. God knows what there worth today, maybe one of you on here has one , let us know. It makes me wonder what may have passed through my hands without my knowing about its rarity . Terry
  9. terrysoldpennies

    Stuff to Make Us Laugh

    Well, that's a real petrol head for you. By the way have you seen my daughter.
  10. terrysoldpennies

    1953 Proof Set

    They do turn up, I bought this set a couple of years back and all the coins in it do have a strong cameo appearance .
  11. terrysoldpennies

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Because they know they can send another for 1p
  12. terrysoldpennies

    things that make you smile

    Caused by Brexit is suppose .
  13. terrysoldpennies

    Great investment

    Are you lot going to stop talking a load of rubbish and let us all get back to the serious stuff like Bunny pennies.
  14. There's not going to be too many customers with that sales pitch. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/GB-Lucky-Penny-Pre-Decimal-1911-George-V-Coin-suit-Birthday-Anniversary/383238821157?hash=item593ad05525:g:Rq8AAOSwAPlXgL4n
  15. terrysoldpennies

    BREXIT 50P

    I guess they'll be incredibly scarce now then. R0 even Nowhere near as rare as Brexit its self.
  16. terrysoldpennies

    More Pennies

    There's to many of you detecting . I have fields surrounding me and during my time here I have seen one organised mass detecting weekend and numerous private individuals going around and around the field , just about every thing worth finding made of metal has gone, mostly what they find is horseshoes , nails and bits broken off a plough. You cant help but notice how many coins on ebay are corroded , and must be from ground finds . Good luck with it anyway you never know you might turn up a real gem.
  17. terrysoldpennies

    More Pennies

    To be honest I don't know it was for sale on ebay a while back, below is the other side , just as bad !!
  18. terrysoldpennies

    More Pennies

    If you think that's bad take a look at this one . I think its got woodworm
  19. Not to clear from the picture but to me it looks more like an F174
  20. terrysoldpennies

    More Pennies

    Strangely this die clash 1862 penny is on ebay right now, it must have been one hell of a clash , for as well as the folds on the gown the clear outline of Britanniars shield can be seen running round through Victoria's Ribbon ,so bad in fact that it seems to have cracked the die on the right side of the coin.
  21. terrysoldpennies

    More Pennies

    Hi Shane That's probably due to die clash and its quite common on Victorian bun pennies , it happens when the two dies come together without a blank coin being in place ready to be stamped by the two dies on its top and bottom , this impact of one die against the other creates a ghostly imprint of the image to be transferred onto the opposite die. So that when the dies are subsequently used to make the next imprints on blanks, they carry the damage marks on the face of the dies which transfer onto the new coin. In the case of your pictured coin the marks are probable the folds on britannias gown .
  22. terrysoldpennies

    Stuff to Make Us Laugh

    £9,000,000 Economy Post !! I dread to think how much it would be in registered post.
  23. terrysoldpennies

    This made me smile

    Well all my coins must be FDC then
  24. terrysoldpennies


    One bit of advice while you have the wasps , DO NOT BUY ANY COINS AT HOME , as you might get stung
  25. terrysoldpennies

    Hi, I'm new to the furum

    Welcome to the Forum Adam , or should I say the mad house , don't be scared to put your !!Two Penneth in !! [ excuse the pun ].