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Everything posted by terrysoldpennies

  1. terrysoldpennies

    1890 Penny Obverse Legend Difference

    What ever happened to the saying ''The customer is always right'' ?. As to date widths , as you say, its often so obvious a difference that can stand out a mile, but there, it takes all types to make a world. Did you see the picture I posted of the different 1861 penny dates, well they certainly can vary dramatically , as the narrowest date one I showed has the 1 almost climbing on top of the 6, and as to how a date type like that cannot be seen as interesting and desirable beats me. Well soldier on Terry
  2. terrysoldpennies

    1890 Penny Obverse Legend Difference

    Hi I must say, I welcome your input, and please do continue as we all can learn from each other. I posted the three types of R plus E as I thought it would be of interested to you. I am very interested in date differences , and do collect differing date widths, some of which are extremely rare . I know many collectors don't bother with them, but interest is growing, as can be seen by the sales recently of an 1896 extremely wide date worn penny on London Coins for £200, and the 1904 narrow date selling at Colin Cooks for £70. Good luck in your collecting. Terry
  3. terrysoldpennies

    1890 Penny Obverse Legend Difference

    Here's the 1891 unlisted 16 tooth date width, this one has the gap between R and E, I have another with the letters joined. Terry
  4. terrysoldpennies

    1890 Penny Obverse Legend Difference

    I've found three types on the 1890 , your two, and one with the E in REG rotated clockwise making the R and E not line up at the bottom, the E is higher up than the R. I have also open and closed REs on 1889s , and on two 1891 Ex. wide date , unlisted 16 tooth pennies. Pictures of the 1891 later
  5. Yes , you could have something there, Die clash marks from the teeth on a coin grossly out of position, or a piece of a broken reverse die clashing into the obverse die Terry
  6. Hi Ian , Its possibly caused by one of the workers at the Mint accidently dropping the die onto its face creating three tiny dents, which when reversed onto the coin would show as three spikes . Terry
  7. terrysoldpennies

    F10 Penny retouched?

    Hi Looking at the pictures you have shown, I note that the one on the left is not completely circular , and that the top right side of the coin is some what straighter than on the right side coin . In fact the one on the right seems wider across the middle of the coin than it is from top to bottom. this I think may account for the different shape at the back of Victorias head. Also the left coin seems to have a weaker image than the right coin, as there is a larger bare patch below the bust , possibly due to die ware , and the high part of the die, [ i e what shows as the field on the coin], has possible been re-polished serving to reduce the depth of that part of the die which gives the queens head. At the same time may be retooling took place to parts of the die , and may be to the rose. just my thoughts, possibly a load of tosh Terry
  8. terrysoldpennies

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Just seen this one on Ebay !!! the long teeth show its a Reproduction 33 , and he found it in Norfolk http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ONE-PENNY-METAL-DETECTOR-FIND-1933-King-GEORG-IVS-VERY-RARE-ONLY-8-Known-MADE-/182785889026?hash=item2a8ee35302:g:Jy4AAOSw5ShZx7SC
  9. That's fantastic Richard , I missed that one. Terry
  10. terrysoldpennies

    Total beginner coin collector

    Hi Barnzy , Welcome to the forum, It seems to me that most collectors stick to year sets of just say, Bronze or Silver or in all the denominations, but restrict their sets overall parameters to say, Victorian or 20th c or Hammered , milled, Pre Decimal , Decimal etc . Or, as I do, to mostly one or two denominations , in my case mostly Pre. Decimal Pennies which seems to have the most diverse number of varieties , with 1860 alone having over 80 known types . Some are caused by the mint experimenting with different dies , some caused by human error , such as over stamping, and there are also errors caused by die deterioration. New undiscovered types are still turning up today, and its possible for anyone with a sharp eye to come up with another. If though you decide to collect modern decimal coins , most of the differing types are deliberately made by the mint to be scarce, so as to encourage people to collect them. What ever you go for it can be an addictive hobby, and you my find that an increasing amount of money has to be spent to obtain that elusive sought after coin . Terry
  11. terrysoldpennies

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    How about this one then !!!!!! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1897-DOT-Victoria-Penny-coin-W1897a-Fair-F147-O-NE-very-RARE-/142486494758?hash=item212cdb5e26:g:fpYAAOSwIaFZMHCI
  12. Link to Richards site http://www.headsntails14.wordpress.com/ look under Victoria reverses 1860 .
  13. I wondered if that was you bidding Richard. Nice buy , they seem to be pretty scarce. Terry
  14. terrysoldpennies

    1862 Penny G over C

    Thanks Pete . Terry
  15. terrysoldpennies

    1862 Penny G over C

    Pete, to your knowledge have any 1860 2*+ d pennies been slabbed , as with more VIGTORIA pennies popping up all the time, I have been surprised not to have seen any more 2*+d's turning up than the existing 5 already known. Terry
  16. terrysoldpennies

    1967 penny elongated colons

    Wow, you could power the British economy on that many Farts. Terry
  17. The normal colons found on 1960s pennies are round, but a few I have found have an oval shape. So far, I have only found them on 1965s 66s and on 1967s, with the most extreme example being on the 1967 shown below. The oval types are fairly scarce, but as far as I can tell the elongated 1967 must be rare, as no other penny found by me was anywhere near as long. I'm lost as to what may cause this to occur, but I think it must be something during the manufacturing process , as It seems very unlikely that its a design change from the normal round colons. Terry
  18. terrysoldpennies

    1967 penny elongated colons

    That's a really good point Pete, so I've had another good look, and there's no sign of any doubling at all . The only thing I can think of is that during the finishing off at the top of the die, the action of machining across the die, may have elongated the tiny holes, creating long colons radiate outwards from the centre. ??? The doubling of the letters in the picture is just a reflection . Terry
  19. terrysoldpennies

    Interesting article re 1954 Penny

    As a matter of interest Bernie, how much were they asking for the Edward viii penny back in the 1960s ? Terry
  20. terrysoldpennies

    One florin bigger than the other!!

    The two coins you show are half crowns which were worth 2 shillings and six pence . Terry
  21. terrysoldpennies

    More Pennies

    OOps sorry lads I thought most of you would have one, but I must say when a bid is placed so early on, it attracts attention anyway.
  22. terrysoldpennies

    New Arrival

    Congratulations to both you young fellers . I have five with one up to 17, born Jan 2nd 2000 just missed millennium day. Terry
  23. terrysoldpennies

    More Pennies

    It could be this Mick http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1911-One-Penny-Georgivs-V-Nice-Coin-Take-a-look-1-/252978713731?hash=item3ae6b4d483:g:yV4AAOSwfRdZErPV GoubyX. Terry
  24. terrysoldpennies

    More Pennies

    1901 narrow date penny 10.5 tooth. Gouby Aa he didn't even have a picture to show in his book. I picked one up last week after looking for about a year, unfortunately its only about VG, but at least I do now have one. Its obviously rare, but just how rare, do any of you know as it never seems to come up on here ? Terry