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Everything posted by terrysoldpennies

  1. terrysoldpennies

    New undiscovered 1860 obverse die

    Looking at the F19 2+f the D in FD points to the right of the tooth , but on the F2 145 it's to the tooth if slightly to the left . Terry
  2. terrysoldpennies

    New undiscovered 1860 obverse die

    Hi Jerry. to answer your question, The crack on your coin running through is the same as my penny and one of the other two found, but the one single example, has the crack running up along the neck and across the ear. And no I have not contacted Gouby about this find, though you my if you wish Terry
  3. terrysoldpennies

    New undiscovered 1860 obverse die

    Hi it' Terry again . Thank's for the wecome . I made an error when I said the V in VICTORIA points to the tooth this should have been the A in VICTORIA, as no other type point directly at the tooth . My studies of the three coins of this type show that they were all poor pressings, and a lot of detail being lost in the hair, and also gives a larger bare patch at the bottom of the bust than the type 2. Also there is overstamping on the legend. The three coins all show a die crack almost right across the coin, but two have the same crack position, but the third has a crack just as long, but in a different place, suggesting there were at least two dies made, as they must have broken up shortly after. Its good to see that Jerry has found one, unless this is one of the two sold by London Coins, as this makes four. My straw poll of the numbers in relation to 2+ds is now about 80 to 3 or 4 , making them Ex. rare. Here is the reverse