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Everything posted by terrysoldpennies

  1. terrysoldpennies

    I’m new to collecting

    Welcome to the forum Mike. You didn't say exactly what your interest is , but what ever it is , good hunting.
  2. terrysoldpennies

    More Pennies

    1930 missing sea. as far as I know undiscovered and unlisted . One for Richards list ! Maybe .
  3. terrysoldpennies

    1954 penny

    The rarity ratings attributed by Freeman are as accurate as could have been made at that time , but new types discovered since then would have suffered from the mass meltdown in the 1970s , where as the numbers of scarce and rare types known by Freeman and other collectors would have been enhanced , due to searching for and including into their collections , and hording , a good example would be the 1951 penny
  4. terrysoldpennies

    More Pennies

    I cant work out if your being serious or not Richard , it has to be a die crack running right through the 6 . Its not April fools day yet 😂 Some of us remember your Uncirculated narrow date 1877 !!!
  5. terrysoldpennies

    1905 penny 3rd type

    Hopefully you've all had a good Christmas, and as its now over I have a new type for the New Year . I'm sure most of you know that there are two types of 1905 penny listed, the F160 with the E in PENNY pointing to the gap between the teeth [ early type] , and the F161 with the rotated E pointing to the tooth [late type]. Well I noticed some time ago that some of the F160s have a small zero in the date, this by its self seemed of little importance , but I later realised that all of the pennies with the large zero , both F160s and F161s all have the straight bottoms to the Es in PENNY, whereas the small zero type, on all the examples I have managed to find , have the wavy bottomed Es. The straight and wavy Es were both in use from 1899 through to 1905, but only the straight type from then on. The small zero was used from 1901 to 1905, and after this the large zero from 1905 to 1908. This means that it is a transitional type reverse die used between the 1904 F159 and the 1905 F160. It also suggests that the differing bottoms to the Es, was a Font change, rather than a warn die creation. As if it was caused by wear, then you would expect to find at least some of the F160s and the F161s with the large zeros to have the wavy Es . Terry Top :- New type F160 Middle :- F160 Bottom :- F161
  6. terrysoldpennies

    Introduction, 2025

    Welcome to the H. Hope your health improves, and long may you continue to collect . Terry
  7. terrysoldpennies

    Stuff to Make Us Laugh

    There is one you've forgotten Ian , The cross between the Shytzu and the Poodle , A Shytpoo. Friendly but very messy
  8. And may you all have a healthy and prosperous new year . Terry
  9. I acquired this rare 1901 Gouby Aa with the second 1 directly over the gap recently . 😊
  10. terrysoldpennies

    Minor GB Penny Queries - Etched 1860 ?, Lower 90 in 1890

    The letter underneath looks to be the original R which has partly filled, and has then been over punched on the die with another R . The ones with a different letter are all very sought after, or with the same letter rotated and over punched , but not really with the same letter re punched more or less in the same position.
  11. terrysoldpennies

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    And with top security postage of £1.65 😂
  12. terrysoldpennies

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Why don't E.bay stop this kind of thing. !! Obviously a fake !! One Penny Coin | eBay Mind you I can't see anybody being mug enough to buy it ?
  13. terrysoldpennies

    More Pennies

    Ah well Pete we'll have to agree to disagree on this one. Below is a 1953 Cameo I gave to Richard , and as you can see it has Minute scratches across the field , but none of them cross onto the queens effigy which is clearly frosted . it is the same on the 1898 penny, and it would be impossible to polish the field alone without running over onto the raised surfaces .
  14. terrysoldpennies

    More Pennies

    You could be right Martin , but the light when taking pictures can play some funny tricks . One thing is common to both coins though, is the tooth to the right side of the 8 has been cut on an angle to accommodate the positioning of the 8 over the tooth .
  15. terrysoldpennies

    More Pennies

    I must say that I agree and disagree with you Pete, You must remember you gave me a beautiful wide date 1898 penny , well it has the appearance of a cameo as on close inspection the effigy of the King and of Britannia are matt finished , but the field is semi polished but also has some scratch marks . These scratches run in absolutely straight lines up to the effigy , but not onto them , indicating they were made to the surface of the die or onto the planchet in the Mint before being pressed . Pic. below. In the case of Kipsters coin , also an exactly the same 1898 wide date penny with the effigies appearing to be Matt finished with the field semi polished and with scratches running in absolutely straight lines right up to and straight through the legend with no curving as it crosses the raised up letters, as it would do if you scratched across a coin. On Kipsters penny though it does look as though it my have been lightly polished around Britannia's arm . ?
  16. terrysoldpennies

    More Pennies

    I would think the quick answer to that is no, as I would consider both the bisecting types to rarer.
  17. If its of any help these are all the different date widths I have come across. And this one with normal spacing but for the 7s being closer together which is scarce
  18. terrysoldpennies

    More Pennies

    1945 Tripled 9 penny and a 9 over 9 Both these coins came up for sale with the same seller, advertised as 9 over 9s , but on closer inspection one turned out to be a a triple 9 . David J Groom lists a tripled 9 type, but as far as I know its not listed by Gouby ? . Anyway I personally have never seen a picture of one , Groom lists it as ex rare . The first picture In close up is the Tripled 9 . Second close up picture has indicators of the three 9s . No1 is the top and bottom of the first 9 , No2 is the bottom and right side of the second 9 , and No3 is the normal 9 . It also appears to have a 4 over 4 . Below is the 9 over 9 Gouby Bb
  19. terrysoldpennies

    More Pennies

    I thought this 1926 ME I picked up recently for £250 was quite a lucky find.
  20. terrysoldpennies

    Stuff to Make Us Laugh

    I have rung the wife and told her I my be a little late home
  21. terrysoldpennies

    Stuff to Make Us Laugh

    A little Christmas cracker joke . What do you call a Duck on Drugs A QUACKHEAD
  22. terrysoldpennies

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    What a stunner, and with just a couple of surface marks . 😄 George V half penny 1921 extraordinary tone | eBay
  23. Funny thing , we fought for a Parliament and look what we've ended up with , a plutocracy !!
  24. terrysoldpennies


    Thanks for that Michael , I knew that he was a Nepolionic Veteran, but because I found the picture on a French site, I assumed he was French . As you probably know he was pictured with a woman who I assume was his wife [ Picture below] . I used the picture because my wife thought there to be a resemblance to me 😟 . I do hope though that I don't look as grouch as he dose . Ironically my son in law has two ancestors who fought at Trafalgar , one of whom who lost a leg and survived , I myself had a three times Gr Grandfather named Thomas Mason who fought in the American War of Independence and was with Conwallis when he finally surrendered at Yorktown in 1781. He must have started his military career when he was recruited into the Third Reg. of Foot [The Buffs] in London, probably taking the Kings Shilling while drunk, as he then absconded only to be recaptured by a bounty hunter and sent to the Savoy Prison [ The converted old Palace which was where the Savoy Hotel now stands ] He went on to rise up to the rank of Sergeant and serve for twenty years.