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  1. Thanks both for your recommendations, they definitely look interesting. Overall I'd like to have a good knowledge of production techniques for all the periods mentioned, however I have just started collecting and only have >1816 milled coins so far, so I think I'd start with that and work back
  2. Does anyone have any recommendations of books that cover the coin production process in Britain and how it has changed? Thanks Matt
  3. Thanks very much, that has bugged me since I got the book
  4. This edition doesn't seem to define the rarity references, e.g. R2 etc (unless I'm being blind). Is there a link that defines these as I don't have any previous editions?
  5. Often the more experienced members among you will very quickly identify a particular coin as having been cleaned, however I'm struggling to find any common traits. I can understand a cleaned coin may have a lot of slight marks going in the same direction, but other than that I'm at a loss What are the most common pieces of evidence for cleaning and if you have a picture to demonstrate what you mean that would be fantastic Thanks Matt
  6. Online I only see it at Spinks. For those who have bought elsewhere, is it a standard £40?
  7. mavmd

    Any early advice?

    Double post
  8. mavmd

    Any early advice?

    I looked on the BNTA website and the only fairs they have listed for this year are one in Worthing next weekend and then the one in London in December, but as they didn't have the one today I guess it's incomplete. Is there a better way to see the events coming up?
  9. mavmd

    Any early advice?

    Thanks again, Midlands is a bit short notice for me, especially with 3 young children. I understand there is one in London in December, that might be one I can do, subject to how to manage the kids. I read on other threads to beware the grades at Croydon, I hope to get up to speed on that soon. I hadn't realised that you might need to understand how each coin wears to get that right and I guess I need some kind of magnifier, which I presume this site sells. Do you guys end up with an encyclopedic knowledge of values of each coin, or look them up when necessary, or I guess somewhere in between? Also do you end up finding a couple of dealers you trust and going mostly through them or constantly look across all dealers and auctions? Thanks Matt
  10. mavmd

    Any early advice?

    Thanks for all the comments, definitely sounds like I need to get along to a coin fair when I get the chance
  11. mavmd

    Any early advice?

    Hi all I've just started to looking into collecting coins, which has meant reading through this forum and looking at some dealers and auction websites. As recommended I have bought CCGB and The Standard Guide to Grading British Coins. These look like very useful reference books. I like the look of some of the shillings so will probably focus on those, for now at least. Some questions I have where I'd be particularly interested in people's views are - is ESC a good book to buy now or a bit advanced? Is there a better book you'd recommend? - I was intending to attend an auction next month (Croydon), at least to see how it operates. Would you suggest steering clear of buying anything from there for now and sticking with reputable dealers? - My plan was to start with the cheaper end UNC shillings so I don't spend too much, but at the same time don't buy things I'll just want to upgrade later. Would you say that's wise or would you recommend branching out wider in terms or coins and/or grades to gain more experience and perhaps find other things I'll like? Overall I'm happy to take my time and build my collection out over years, trying to pick things up when I think the price is fair. I've read through advice for other beginners on here, which was really helpful and I'd be very grateful for any general advice you'd care to give Thanks in advance