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Everything posted by Matteo95

  1. Matteo95

    I keep getting outbid for a Victoria coin

    and so ?
  2. Matteo95

    Stephen Watford Penny Identification

    Hi Congrats for your acquisiton I really like it . I think that the monneyer is Swedman , the S and EDMA are quite clear , rare for this type of coins . Matteo
  3. Matteo95

    Some hammered coins

    Hi Serge when you ask an id. You should write also the weights and diameters because there are coins like groats and halfgroats that are identical .... The n1 could be a Edward III groat of the Pre- Treaty period mint of York , Spink 1572 N2 is similar but mint of London ( in this condition I can't understand wich class ) N3 is probably an Edward III farthing , London mint , Spink 1562 and Finally N4 is an Edward I penny class 10cf 1 I think .
  4. Matteo95

    My new groat

    Thanks Paulus , Do you collect a coin for every king ?
  5. Matteo95

    Reference Guide for Early British Pennies

    The North are excellent books .. a serious numismatist must have it on his library. I can reccomand also " English coins 1180 - 1551 " by Lord Stewartby that give you also a lot of interesting historical details. Then there are specific works that covers only a particular type of coins or a single mint , like the Robin Eaglen's books on the Bury St. Edmund mint or the SCBI 39 ( the J.J. North collection ) that is dedicated to the Edward I an II coinage
  6. a question about the lot 46 : it was described as Stewartby 1b1 but , being the crosses of type 1 , shouldn't it be a rarer 1a ??
  7. Matteo95

    Identify this?

    I am not an expert in this coinage so I can give a judice about the originality of the coin. It could be a penny of Aethelwulf ( 839 - 855 ) or of his son Aethelberht ( 858 - 865/6 ) spink 1051 or 1053 for example , but of course we need the image of Reverse for a better idetification
  8. Hi Adam !! this is quite easy Henry III long cross penny London ( monnayer Nicole ) Class IIIb ref : Spink 1363 ; Stewartby IIIb page 106 . Matteo
  9. Matteo95

    old coin

    Yes !! The mint is Riga ; like this for example ( different date ) http://m.ebay.com/itm/R-POLAND-LITHUANIA-RIGA-3-GROSH-GROSZ-GROSCHEN-SILVER-1596-SIGISMUND-III-VF-/281954960011?nav=SEARCH
  10. The 96 lire is probably the commonest genoese gold coin , of course in high conservation the price becomes important. Inportant for this coin is buy the variety without star after the date. The last june bolaffi auction had a very important collection of genoese coins with great rarities I was in the saleroom . Congratulations for your doppia ! If I am not wrong it is from the Gadoury auction 2013 lot 537 ( I won the lot 417 in that auction )
  11. very nice coin the ducato of Battista Campofregoso , it is not a particulary rare coin but the variant ( as your ) with the I I and AN in nesso is a little bit rarer then others .
  12. Congratulations!!! Both in perfect condition and very rare . My curiosity : do you have also genoese coins ?
  13. Matteo95

    Is this Edward I

    Edward I or II ... Difficult to say in this condition ; can you understand the first two letters of the mint name ? The first is C or E ?
  14. Matteo95

    AV Salut d'or

    Admit ! You struck it yesterday in your house .... wonderful coin ! Nothing to say ... Do you collect anglo-gallic coins ?
  15. Matteo95

    I need a genius identify this coin

    Great words !! This is what everybody who wants to start a coin collection should do
  16. Yes I agree a very important auction . Just the 3 groats of Edward I make a collection great ! Do you know if I can request an hard-copy of the catalogue for free or I have to pay ? Because I think this is one of those you need to have on your library .
  17. Matteo95

    Newcastle Mint

    Hi Ian ! This is what I found : this mint was for the first time established during the reign of Stephen and it was also active during the first issue of Henry II. Class 3 of the Long cross coinage where also struck. During the reign of Edward I where struck : pence , halfpence and Farthings of class 3e. The mint was reopened in the 1300 ca. And continued for the following 2 years ( pence class: 9b , 9c , 10x , 10ab1 , 10ab2 ) . This extended activity was perphaps connected with the Scottish campaigns for wich Newcastle had been used as the financial base. List of Newcastle's monneyers : Sthephen : - Ailf - Ioce - Willem/Wileln Henry II : - Willem Henry III : - Adam ( IIIa-c ) - Henri ( IIIa-c ) - Ion ( IIIa-c ) - Roger ( IIIa-c ) and here various Newcastle's name on coins : NEVCAS ; NEWCAS ; NEWECAS ; NEVECA ; EVEC ; VILL NOVI CASTRI Matteo
  18. Hi Micheal and welcome !! First of all when you don't know if the coin is good you have to check the weight and diameter Matteo
  19. Matteo95

    Henry III , class IIIb ?

    This is my recent acquisition ... A long cross penny ... I've identified it as: Henry III , penny , york mint , monneyer ION ( Iohannes de Seleby ) ( I don't find many coins of this monneyer ) ... About the class I think it could be a IIIb but I'm not sure ..... what do you think? Matteo
  20. Matteo95

    Edward II Canterbury Penny Class 11a2

    nice penny !! I tried to see if this variety is reported on the SCBI 39 but nothing ... and honestly I don't think it could be considered as a punctuation mark
  21. Matteo95

    SCBI 39 North Edwardian Silver Coins

    I bought it from this spanish bookshop but , I don't know if they still have an avaible copy ... http://libreriaaurea.com/es/6819-sylloge-of-coins-of-the-british-isles-vol-39-the-j-j-north-collection-north-j-j.html
  22. This is amazing ! What a conservation ! Congrats Paulus
  23. Hi all !! I was reading the chapter about the annulet issue of Henry VI's groats written by Stewartby and I discovered that the first groats of London and also Calais ( Class Ia or H ) were struck during last weeks of Henry V's reign .... The only difference between this class and Ib is the initial Cross ... I found an image of a groat of this type struck in London while I didn't for Calais .. Is there someone who has got one to compare with following classes ? thanks in advance Matteo