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About Nick1697

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  1. Nick1697

    Selection of coins

    The coin with a hole in it appears to be an American coin, a silver 3 cent. I believe they call it a trime.
  2. Nick1697

    Edward I II III Hammered Penny Identification

    Thank you for confirming this Rob.
  3. Nick1697

    Edward I II III Hammered Penny Identification

    Thank you both for your help. After comparing it to other examples I thought it was 3d or 3g but I am leaning towards 3g due to the side fleurs on the crown. Would anyone be able to confirm this?
  4. I recently acquired this Penny of King Edward though have not been able to work out which class it represents or even which Edward for that matter. I know it was minted in Bristol but that is the extent of my knowledge. I was wondering if anyone could help me in identifying this coin?
  5. Nick1697

    Charles I Half Crown

    The weight is 14.35g. I can't see any copper showing anywhere, so I guess it must just be corrosion. Yes I have noticed the bad quality of the 3a3. Many of that type I own are very poorly and weakly struck.
  6. Nick1697

    Charles I Half Crown

    I recently received this half crown with a group of other half crowns. I was wondering if it is real. It seems to have some sort of raised bumps over some of the surface. I am not sure if it is pitting caused by corrosion or if it is bubbling of a counterfeit.
  7. Nick1697

    Cnut Penny London.

    Do you now if dies of this era were ever re-engraved? It just looks so similar. For it to be fake, the forger would have had to have access to this coin on the left. I can only fine one other example from Liofhelm and it is badly damaged. Yes I emailed the seller and they said that they would end it just to be sure. They said they would take it to a local coin shop for further advise.
  8. Nick1697

    Cnut Penny London.

    Sorry to keep adding to this but this is a side by side comparison between the Edward the Elder Penny listed on ebay and another penny I found that is currently listed by The Classical Numismatic Group. https://www.cngcoins.com/Coin.aspx?CoinID=318831 They both have the same blundered E of REX and the same E in LIOFHELM. Does this help to confirm its authenticity or condemn it as a fake?
  9. Nick1697

    Cnut Penny London.

    Now I am worried that my Edward the Elder penny is fake. It was bought from the same seller. Though no one expressed any views that it could be fake when I posted it in the "Coin aquisition of the week......." thread. What do you think?
  10. Nick1697

    Cnut Penny London.

    Thanks for the heads up, I didnt realise they had sold fake Norwegian coins. Therefore it is quite possible these are fake too.
  11. Nick1697

    Cnut Penny London.

    I agree with the Cnut being of the same batch, though I dont think there is anything wrong with the last two you posted, the Edward the Elder and Aethelred II. I could be wrong through.
  12. Nick1697

    Cnut Penny London.

    I noticed that this Cnut penny has been sold by multiple sellers within a few months. Something about it looks off to me but I want to see of you agree. I am asking because the current seller of this coin has a few items I am interested in and if this Cnut penny is fake then I don't want to risk the possibility of the others being fake as well. Here is the original listing. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/King-Cnut-AR-Penny-/131854151266?hash=item1eb31eae62%3Ag%3ADpoAAOSwmtJXaArw&nma=true&si=ZI88snN6Q3P6cqUheFmSmy3Z7ws%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 The second listing, also by a seller in cyprus, I assume it is the same seller under a different name. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Silver-Penny-King-Cnut-Saxon-Viking-/172266528678?hash=item281be29fa6%3Ag%3AhMIAAOSwH6lXRGF2&nma=true&si=ZI88snN6Q3P6cqUheFmSmy3Z7ws%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 Finally the current seller. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/302035335254?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT What do you all think?
  13. Nick1697

    Aetherlred Last Short Cross Penny

    Thank you very much for confirming its authenticity. I feel a lot better about this coin now!
  14. Nick1697

    Aetherlred Last Short Cross Penny

    It was purchased from Hiddenhistory on ebay. They are a large volume seller of ancient and medieval coins and objects with very good feedback. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Saxon-King-Aethelred-II-Small-Cross-Type-Penny-Moneyer-Godman-London-Mint/152137437398?_trksid=p2046732.c100040.m2060&_trkparms=aid%3D111001%26algo%3DREC.SEED%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20140107095009%26meid%3D0879535666894688a3db34dbb53ad0b2%26pid%3D100040%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D4%26sd%3D152137437398. I thought I would just check that everything is ok with the coin. Simply because it was in such great condition and looks great in hand. As I said almost too good. I just wanted peace of mind before it is catalogue and 'filed' away with the rest of the collection. You wouldn't have found the coin through an image search, because I have cropped the images.
  15. Nick1697

    Aetherlred Last Short Cross Penny

    Thank you both. The weight is 1.69g.