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Crown Jules

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Everything posted by Crown Jules

  1. Crown Jules

    General coin valuations

    Can anyone recommend a website that gives (in your opinion) good general valuations for Pre-dec coins. I'd like to refer to it when trawling the likes of Ebay so I know the general value of the coin in its current state and do not get carried away with bidding. Thanks
  2. I acquired these Italian coins around 30 years ago. Can someone help identify them, or let me know whether they are worth anything. The first one is 5 lira. But has no date?
  3. Crown Jules

    Italian coins to identify

    That's a good site for Italian coins thanks
  4. Crown Jules

    Italian coins to identify

    As for the Vatican medals, there's hopefully people out there who will want them, so I'll try Ebay
  5. Crown Jules

    Italian coins to identify

    Thanks Matteo. I've no idea of their weight (I will need to invest in some scales). All I know is that one of my relatives got them from the Bank of Naples where he worked. I have others similar. Unfortunately they have been stored in PVC pouches in the attic...
  6. Crown Jules

    Hi all !

    Hi Matteo I've started a thread, with a couple of pics.(in foreign coins area) I've got quite a few coins, so it would be interesting to see if any of them are rare...so a website would be useful
  7. Crown Jules

    Italian coins to identify

    Is this a Papal coin? If so, is there much interest (Got quite a few of these)
  8. Crown Jules

    Italian coins to identify

    This looks unc...could it be a repro?
  9. Crown Jules

    Italian coins to identify

    I've got others, but its taking me an age to post the pics.
  10. Crown Jules

    Hi all !

    Thanks Matteo. I will choose some and take photos and post.
  11. Crown Jules

    Hi all !

    Ciao Matteo. When I was younger I used to collect Italian coins (My father was Italian and I lived in Naples for a while). I am probably going to get rid of a few as I want to concentrate on UK Shillings. You may even be able to point me in the right direction in identifying some of them. Or even recommend a website?
  12. Crown Jules

    Verdigris in shillings

    Many thanks for all your replies. Will deffo experiment on that coin, using olive oil. And I'll get some acetone in case it's spread to valuable coins. At Copper123 yes I'm enjoying it already. There was no internet for research when I was a boy..so had to rely on library books. And lined paper for cataloguing instead of spreadsheet or databases... Oh, and Happy Birthday! Looks like this forum is pretty active, so look forward to being a member Jules
  13. Crown Jules

    Verdigris in shillings

    Hello All. I've just rediscovered my old childhood hobby of coin collecting (Shillings mainly) after finding my old coin collection in a coin folder, in a box, in the shed. On looking through my coin folder, I discovered a page where one of the coins - A Scottish 1945 shilling, is very green.The coins surrounding it have touches of green/verdigris My question is...As the coin in question is of little value, shall I just bin it? Fortunately, the coins are in date order, so the others on the page are also of little value. I seem to recall that the shilling had verdigris when I first got it around 30 years ago, but although the coins aren't touching it's either spread or the conditions have affected the others. My most worrying question...I have older shillings in the same folder, but these seem ok to the naked eye. Should I just leave these alone or try and find if they have any traces of verdigris? Or would they be ok because of the silver content? Excuse my ignorance, as I'm a adult beginner! Thanks in advance (I think I've attached the picture)
  14. Crown Jules

    Verdigris in shillings

    Thanks Rob. Never realised re the pvc sleeves. The other shillings in the album are from 1800's, so I will put these somewhere better. Hopefully these wont have bee affected?