Pirie’s cataloging is confusing but the book is still worth picking up.
My approach is to put the moneyers in the following classes-
1st reign: Alghere, Brother, Coenred, Cynemund, Eanred, Forthred, Hunlaf, Leofthegn, Odilo, Wendelberht, Wihtred, Wulfred
2nd reign: Eanwulf, Eardwulf, Wulfsige
I am not sure where to put Monne since he coined for Eanred, Aethelred, Redwulf, and Osberht- a remarkably long career and probably one which spanned both of Aethelred’s reigns.
I base this less on die links which can sometimes be haphazard and chaotic. The moneyers Brother, Forthred, Odilo, Wihtred, and Wulfre also coined for Eanred, so they should have been active in Aethelred’s 1st reign. The moneyers Eanwulf and Wulfsige coined for Osberht so they fall into the latter reign. Of the others, it seems Leofthegn was the dominant moneyer in the first reign and Eardwulf in the second. The usurpation or Redwulf and attacks by the Vikings may have decreased the need for moneyers. It is not clear that any of the guys who coined for Redwulf (other than Monne) continued to work for Aethelred during his second reign.
Wulfred is also a difficult case as there is an episcopal moneyer named Wulfred who coined for Wulfhere, it’s not clear this was the same person who was coining for Eanred and Aethelred.
I believe in his landmark paper from years ago, Hugh Pagan suggested a ‘Monne A’ and ‘Monne B’, and ‘Wulfred A’ and ‘Wulfred B’