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About George111

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  1. George111

    3 coins for ID

    No1 looks like a Charles 1 farthing No2 looks roman No3 is a George 1 farthing
  2. George111

    Are these Roman

    This site may help you out http://www.forumancientcoins.com/catalog/roman-and-greek-coins.asp?vpar=55
  3. Perhaps they are some kind of farmers token? That's if they had any tokens this size?
  4. Not a hole it does not seem to go all the way through could be "bunged up" though I know what your on about whirly gig toy but the marks on my 2 don't look like whirly gig tooth shaped
  5. What would the "saw" looking lines be needed for if being used as a weight sewn into hem of curtain?
  6. Not been out much lately found these two really don't know what they are. Maybe horse harness mounts they are made of lead
  7. I have to agree it does seem to be very likely Victorian vanity/gentleman's bottle type "flip top" lid and the bit missing may of had a hinge attached like a ink bottle lid it just looks so hand made must of been a very expensive press die seeing its such a complicated looking design
  8. That area does look the most likely but it just looks like the rest of the patterned areas even though a jewellers eye glass This might be more clearer to show it could of be hand made
  9. Well going by the "peening" hammer and punch marks used to dish the object I'm not so sure your right
  10. Leg off of a cooking pot made of copper alloy (brass) could be any where between 14th to 17th century in date
  11. George111

    It's not pretty, but what is it?

    Cob coin pirate treasures
  12. George111

    It's not pretty, but what is it?

    Looks very roman-ish
  13. Rather lovely white metal "silver" object surly this must of been hand crafted by a gold/silver smith? to make a tool to "press" this would of cost the earth Don't know what age it is it has no hallmark hence me saying "white metal" It did have a cork insert but no back plate and loop but could be a button or cape fastener or cufflinks would of been made to have been engraved It the same size as a predecimal 1 penny
  14. Nice Charles I trade weight Crown over C with London sword and ewer makers mark