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Everything posted by mrbadexample

  1. Berberis fruit is edible so I reckon you'd be good.
  2. mrbadexample

    Daily Challenges

    The only other one I know is "pack my bags with five dozen boxes of juicy liquorice". I'm sure there's a name for it - pan something I expect.
  3. mrbadexample

    Daily Challenges

    Best I can do is 11: unawareness.
  4. mrbadexample

    Daily Challenges

    Scroll up to my "Hawkwind" post! :p
  5. mrbadexample

    Daily Challenges

    By which you mean there IS a second E. Otherwise it's only 4.
  6. mrbadexample

    Daily Challenges

    5. Strychnine must be close?
  7. mrbadexample

    Daily Challenges

    7. Hawkwind. Also awkward.
  8. mrbadexample

    Daily Challenges

    4. Abstemious, facetious.
  9. mrbadexample

    Daily Challenges

    1. Typewriter.
  10. mrbadexample

    Daily Challenges

    3. Monday is his horse.
  11. mrbadexample

    Bronze halfpenny varieties

    Probably my error Richard, you should have it now (email).
  12. mrbadexample

    Bronze halfpenny varieties

    Dracott gives tooth counts - do you have his article Richard?
  13. mrbadexample

    Daily Challenges

    Ra7 was what I tried to do to start with but it didn't work.
  14. mrbadexample

    Daily Challenges

    This doesn't work. Pa7 will be followed by Ka7. Pb7 doesn't work either because b7 is occupied. I think. I am terrible at chess. I know how the bits move and not much more, but I like a puzzle and there weren't many pieces involved.
  15. mrbadexample

    Daily Challenges

    Black could move the bishop but then Ra7 = mate.
  16. mrbadexample

    Daily Challenges

    Ahh...sorry, it's a6...looked like a 5 on the picture. So replace a5 with a6.
  17. mrbadexample

    Daily Challenges

    Black pawn takes rook at A5?
  18. mrbadexample

    Daily Challenges

    W: Ra5 B: pxa5 W: pb7 That works in my head but I'm crap at chess.
  19. mrbadexample


    It does a bit. I'd not long posted the photo when I looked at the latest activity page and saw: I'm thinking "sh*t no, I haven't got anything fancy like that..."
  20. mrbadexample


    Ophrys kotschyi
  21. mrbadexample

    1843 half farthing

    That's more like it!
  22. mrbadexample

    1843 half farthing

    Can you at least crop your images? I'm looking at 5% coin and 95% carpet and I can't make out any detail.
  23. From my own observations they appear much more common than either 26a (missing serifs) or large roses.