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Everything posted by mrbadexample

  1. mrbadexample

    See a penny, pick it up...

    I did think about getting it slabbed for comedy value.
  2. mrbadexample

    Old Dutch and US coins

    I'd like to take a look but no promises as I'm a bit boracic at the moment.
  3. mrbadexample

    Penny reverse ID please.

    The above picture shows the blank area bottom middle of the bust much better than the one on Richard's site. Much more convincing!
  4. mrbadexample

    Penny reverse ID please.

    It is fun, and of enormous value to this rookie. Better photos will surely help, which I hope to be able to provide tomorrow. I am expecting F20 as the most likely.
  5. mrbadexample

    US Grading vs UK Grading.....

    I can’t re-examine it or take more photos unfortunately - it was one I rejected as it had too many marks. For it to be die clash though, does it not have to correspond in some way with part of the opposing design, like on the penny above?
  6. mrbadexample

    Penny reverse ID please.

    I won’t mind if it’s F20. This has been an excellent learning experience for me.
  7. mrbadexample

    Penny reverse ID please.

    Thanks Bernie. Can you tell me what characteristics make you think obverse 2 please?
  8. mrbadexample

    US Grading vs UK Grading.....

    But you can see the marks from the reeded edge of another coin where they’ve come together. I don’t see how else these marks are caused? This was always my understanding of a bag mark, but I’m happy to be re-educated if I’ve misunderstood.
  9. mrbadexample

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Looks ex-mount to me. The third picture looks particularly damning.
  10. mrbadexample

    US Grading vs UK Grading.....

    Not as I understand it VS. These are marks from die clashing - all the marks that can be seen are attributable to the folds in Britannia's drapery etc. transferred from the reverse. Bag marks are simply impact damage from another coin. I also think the mark on the 1912 half crown is a bag mark, albeit a pretty heavy one.
  11. mrbadexample

    US Grading vs UK Grading.....

    1957 half crown with bag marks:
  12. mrbadexample

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Not being a footballer, he got up, finished the stage (about 35km), collected his polka-dot jersey on the podium, then went off to hospital to get his stitches. He was also gracious enough to say he didn't blame the driver of the car who punted him into the fence, as he was sure they didn't want it to happen. Apparently, Superman wears Johnny Hoogerland pants. I'll stop now so we can get back to ebay's worst.
  13. mrbadexample

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Meh. Not exactly Johnny Hoogerland though are ya?
  14. mrbadexample

    Penny reverse ID please.

    I hope you're referring to the first one I posted Bernie! Please have a look at the second? Cheers, Jon
  15. mrbadexample

    Penny reverse ID please.

    I figure that worst case scenario, given reverse G, is 4+G (F25, R12). We might be able to see better when it turns up.
  16. mrbadexample

    Penny reverse ID please.

    Worth a punt I think. I'll post better pictures when I have it in hand. Cheers for all the help.
  17. mrbadexample

    Penny reverse ID please.

    Thanks Terry. Do I have the right reverse?
  18. mrbadexample

    Penny reverse ID please.

    So, the obverse. Judging by the proximity of the B to the head, and the pointing of the foremost leaf, I'm fairly sure it's not obverse 6. I don't think it's 4 as I can't see any signature under the bust. That leaves obverse 2 (F20, R12) and obverse 5 (F28, R18). I can't differentiate between them at this level. I expect it to be obverse 2, as if it was F28 one of you buggers would have bought it by now. Which do you think it is please?
  19. mrbadexample

    Penny reverse ID please.

    So how about this one, another ebay offering. Not the best photos to work from. This I think is Freeman reverse G, with the lower second 1. I can't see whether or not it's double cut. I am basing this almost entirely on the lack of rocks to the left of the lighthouse. Reverse G features on Freeman 20 (R12), 25 (R12), 28 (R18) and 33 (R5). So on any example not paired with obverse 6 (F33) it's a fairly scarce coin.
  20. mrbadexample

    Penny reverse ID please.

    I'm not seeing this on any of the ones I've looked at. The help here has been super though, thank you all. I sat and had a good look through the ebay offerings until much too late last night and certainly have a bit more idea about what I'm looking at. I'm not quite there yet though, surprisingly...
  21. mrbadexample

    Penny reverse ID please.

    I have this bookmarked yet forgot and tried it the hard way. Yes, it's much easier!
  22. mrbadexample

    Penny reverse ID please.

    I've been flicking backwards & forwards between Freeman & Gouby, and it is quite apparent once you know what you're looking for. I appreciate all the help.
  23. mrbadexample

    Penny reverse ID please.

    That's really helpful Mike, thanks. I guess (1) is something that becomes obvious with familiarity, but I certainly get (2) & (3). (4) is a bit more difficult for me as it looks like there's a bit of a recess to me. I don't think I'll buy it: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1861-1862-1872-1874-1882H-1890-VICTORIAN-BUN-PENNIES-IN-A-WELL-USED-CONDITION/152902303195?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649 but definitely worth a second look, for the education if nothing else.