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Everything posted by mrbadexample

  1. I really liked some of the patterns. Not enough to bid on them though. My focus is elsewhere.
  2. mrbadexample

    Royal mint trial coins

    Hello and welcome to the forum. I'd like to see what you have even if no one else does.
  3. mrbadexample

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Probably time to go through all his other listings too... Edit...there aren't any.
  4. mrbadexample

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    You should forward his responses to ebay. I would.
  5. mrbadexample

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Listing ended...
  6. Pete made me buy this from ebay:
  7. mrbadexample

    My Latest Acquisition

    I'm with you there Ian: "It can't be UNC because I can see a bit of wear on the eyebrow" etc.
  8. mrbadexample

    My Latest Acquisition

    They all look really nice to me Mick. Here's my 1855 ½d date for comparison - looks pretty similar to me.
  9. mrbadexample

    Oldest coin you received in change/spent?

    About a fortnight ago I was given a 1967 halfpenny as a 2p in Morrisons. The earliest though was this 1923 shilling I picked out of my change about 60 years after it was minted:
  10. mrbadexample

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

  11. mrbadexample

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Just a very specific dent.
  12. mrbadexample

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Is there a particular place to post on CCF bagerap? I'm fed up reporting stuff to ebay for them to ignore it.
  13. mrbadexample

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Just volume of sales by the looks.
  14. mrbadexample

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Victoria-1861-Penny-Bronze-Finished-Proof-/332237282452?hash=item4d5ae29c94:g:GvkAAOSwYvFZGdbc Careful Pete, I'm not sure it's a proof.
  15. Yup. Romney had a harbour on the River Rother, right by the church. I can remember there being a great big mooring ring set into the stonework of the church where they used to tie boats up, but I don't know what happened to it - it's not there now. The storm of 1287 blocked the Rother estuary, diverting the course of the river to Rye - about 14 miles away. Romney was finished as a port. Must have been one hell of a storm.
  16. The Sandwich one's particularly nice. Hope you enjoyed your trip to the Marsh.
  17. What were you doing there Paul? That's my old stomping ground! Did you get the tokens in Kent? I have the bottom one but not the other two.
  18. mrbadexample

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Rob, you're missing the point I think. Did you not see that "The pot clips open and shut with a very satisfying pop!"? Surely that's worth £400 on its own?
  19. mrbadexample

    Indian States?

    Sorry Rob, if I'd seen this earlier I would have.
  20. mrbadexample

    Real Or Fake?

    The edge lettering's usually a dead giveaway as it rarely has the quality of a genuine one. Yours look fine to me.
  21. mrbadexample

    Indian States?

    Post on World of Coins Rob. You'll get an answer in about 5 minutes flat. http://www.worldofcoins.eu/forum/index.php?board=87.0
  22. mrbadexample

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Are they the only ones with any influence?
  23. mrbadexample

    1841 Queen Victoria halfpennies.

    My instinct would be no, I don't think so Colin. Don't rely on my pictures for an accurate representation. However, I've been wrong before.