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Everything posted by mrbadexample

  1. mrbadexample

    1841 Queen Victoria halfpennies.

    I will get some sort of set up eventually, honest.
  2. mrbadexample

    1841 Queen Victoria halfpennies.

    I haven't got any lamps. I put it near the windowsill for a bit of daylight.
  3. mrbadexample

    1841 Queen Victoria halfpennies.

    Yes, don't know why. Taken at the same time in the same place in the same light.
  4. mrbadexample

    1841 Queen Victoria halfpennies.

    I got the last one.
  5. mrbadexample

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Well spotted. I despair of any seller who thinks that photos that bad will persuade people to part with several hundred pounds.
  6. mrbadexample

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Were the photos clearer then? I can't make out anything...
  7. They won't get better on their own.
  8. I'm not convinced, as there's no chlorine in the phthalates, but I don't really know enough about the chemistry involved. Not that it matters really - the green from old PVC can be removed with acetone. The green from being buried can't. The coin I posted had been in PVC for about 35 years. I don't know how bad it gets if left for longer.
  9. As I understand it (and I'm happy to be corrected), the green on the coin I swabbed isn't verdigris but a residue of the chlorine leaching out from the PVC as it degrades. Acetone won't touch verdigris but removes the chlorine residue nicely.
  10. mrbadexample

    Commonwealth £2 Coin.

    Oh, and welcome to the forum.
  11. mrbadexample

    Commonwealth £2 Coin.

    Pretty sure that's the Northern Ireland. It's got a little lumpy bit in the middle of the flag.
  12. Swabbed with a dipped cotton bud. Shame it wouldn't take the gouge out too.
  13. This was my acetone test piece Prep:
  14. mrbadexample

    New pound coin

    Is this rumour or has it actually been confirmed?
  15. I think from the small central circle on the reverse that this is one that's been in the cabinet? The first question I'd ask is what is it that's on the coin? Acetone is ok for stuff like grease / oil but there's a lot of stuff it just wont touch. Working on the principle that you're unlikely to make it worse and it's not a scarce coin, why not? It's probably the only one you've posted that I'd touch though.
  16. I don't think this post is helpful Peter. An inherited collection has not, by definition, been bought. Your suggestion of throwing them away rather than making some attempt to conserve them is a bit silly really.
  17. I had quite a few foreign coins that were going green in an old album. Swabbing with acetone on a cotton bud worked a treat. I'm only really up for intervening when something is actually threatening to damage the coin, in which case I don't see I have much choice. Otherwise, I'll leave it for the next owners.
  18. mrbadexample

    TPG just gets silly

    Nice edges though! I wonder if the TPG even bothered to look at them.
  19. Voice of experience?
  20. mrbadexample

    1860 penny variety id

    Thanks Terry.
  21. mrbadexample

    1860 penny variety id

    Can someone do the same for this one please, if the pictures are sufficiently good? I've taken them from another forum.
  22. So it was. I looked but missed the obvious.
  23. mrbadexample

    6 Peter Rabbit 50p coins needed

    Ok, I'll be more helpful. British Virgin Islands dollar 2004, KM#267.1 is also a Peter Rabbit commemorative. #267.2 is a colour version. https://en.numista.com/catalogue/pieces96523.html