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Everything posted by Martinminerva

  1. I have got listed another batch of rarer stuff on eBay if any forum member might be interested... Includes an 1860 Freeman obverse 1*, a 1913 penny Freeman 176 in reasonable grade, plus a few complete Whitman folders of pennies and halfpennies. link: https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/m.html?item=284397983318&_ssn=1970kit&_sop=10 Cheers!
  2. Martinminerva

    Another batch of rarer stuff on eBay...

    Thanks, Richard. Greatly appreciated!
  3. I remember reading years ago, and goodness knows where (but might have been in an ancient Coin Monthly), that there was a conjecture that these open 3s might actually have been overdates on a 1902 die due to the matching curve at the top of both 3 and 2 and some hint of a flatter straight at the bottom of the open 3 to match the remains of the horizontal of the 2. If so, perhaps a numeral punch was not in fact used at all, but rather the open 3 was skilfully hand-cut into the die, by a meticulous engraver. Such hand cut digits do exist elsewhere in the UK coinage series according to eg. Davies and others. Just a thought - perhaps a punch search might be in vain!!
  4. Martinminerva


    Iain Dracott says in his 2004 Coin News articles that he discovered it, but doesn't mention when. No references I can find that pre-date that, but only Iain would know for sure. Don't know if he is a member here, or if another member is in contact with him?
  5. Martinminerva


    Obviously not a lot of halfpenny collectors out there... ! I know it's crappy, but how many of this type do exist??
  6. Martinminerva


    The shield rim IS indeed slightly recessed, like the original 1860 rev C that it appears to be based on. As specimens wear of course, that becomes a flatter part of the coin, so not a reliable definer. Much better is the lighthouse itself, plus the fact that the PE of PENNY are much closer to the linear circle than on the normal 1873 reverse.
  7. Martinminerva


    Found it! http://www.predecimal.com/forum/topic/3664-coin-aquisition-of-the-week/?page=502&tab=comments#comment-141727 And here's a screenshot of it :
  8. Martinminerva


    Probably because the original post is 13 years old now!! I remember seeing on the forum a while ago that Bernie had found a lustrous A.Unc specimen of the 8+C# and posted pictures of that, but in another thread that I haven't been able to track down yet, but I'll keep looking...
  9. Martinminerva


    The one I have listed on eBay is definitely obverse 8. Compare it with my (much better!) obverse 7 one above... Especially the position of the top leaves in relation to the colon after G of D:G: and the bottom of the truncation - obverse 7 above has truncation right up to linear circle, whereas obverse 8 on the eBay specimen has a distinct gap between bust and linear circle.
  10. Martinminerva


    I have just listed on eBay a pretty grotty but identifiable example of this 1873 8+C# die pairing halfpenny if anyone wants to fill a gap... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/284372897001 Wonder exactly how many are now known? Still think it's pretty rare though! cheers!
  11. Martinminerva

    1851 silver threepence - low grade is ok!

    Trying to put together a date run of silver threepences... Would any member have a spare 1851 ? Low grade is fine; just need the date to be readable! Possibly also interested in an 1838 , similarly low grade would be fine. Cheers!
  12. Martinminerva

    1851 silver threepence - low grade is ok!

    😄 Not many of those about!! No - just a boring 1851 as long as the 51 is visible!!
  13. Have LCA stopped sending out printed catalogues?? I never received one for the March auction and have yet to do so this time too. I much prefer browsing through a proper catalogue than squinting at one on a device... Needless to say, if they have stopped sending catalogues to customers of many years on their mailing list. they haven't deigned to tell me!
  14. Martinminerva

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    In this day and age, who says it's a she...😏
  15. If anyone might be interested, I have just listed on eBay a bunch of ten low grade but much rarer Freeman and Gouby varieties, including a Freeman 1 and Freeman 69 die pair 6+I, and a Gouby BP 1874 Nn, 7 over 7... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/10-VERY-RARE-Victoria-pennies-rare-Freeman-Gouby-varieties-Fill-those-gaps/284241561730?hash=item422e1e0882:g:iWsAAOSwQstgZeDI ... and as a separate lot, a much better Freeman 69... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1874H-Victoria-BUN-PENNY-Dies-6-I-Freeman-69-Nice-and-excessively-rare-R16/284241565126?hash=item422e1e15c6:g:M8wAAOSwSZ9gZeJb Certainly nothing to write home about, but as gap fillers, they might suit someone! Cheers!
  16. Martinminerva

    Various rarer Freeman and Gouby varieties for sale...

    Yes, I felt that since they were all low grade, I'd bung them all together to save time and fuss. The final buyer might want to pick out the ones they want and sell on the rest, I suppose?!
  17. Martinminerva

    Various rarer Freeman and Gouby varieties for sale...

    Should sell ok - there are lots of watchers already, and the better F.69 has had an early bid!
  18. Martinminerva

    1860 penny Freeman 14. LCW below foot.

    Been looking for one of these for ages. Low grade would be fine as long as the defining characteristic of the LCW is visible! Curiously, one seldom sees lower grade ones of this, most of the ones I have seen seem to be EF or thereabouts, or better. Wonder why that should be??
  19. Martinminerva

    More Pennies

    Oh god, that makes me feel even worse now... I hang my head in shame...
  20. Martinminerva

    More Pennies

    And thanks for your understanding too, Jerry. Yes, I have certainly learnt today!
  21. Martinminerva

    More Pennies

    Oh, I must be then. I thought it was you who arranged for my user name to be changed when people were assuming I was a person called Martin Platt. I am not he !!
  22. Martinminerva

    More Pennies

    So sorry again...
  23. Martinminerva

    More Pennies

    Thanks for your understanding, Mike. Indeed, I have seen many, many other heads ups over the years on here that no-one has ever been reprimanded for which is why I didn't give it a second thought. I believe @secret santa might have clearance to remove things? Many years ago he kindly changed my user name for me...
  24. Martinminerva

    More Pennies

    I am most terribly sorry! I did not know that convention. Unfortunately, it won't let me remove the post now. If any member has moderator status or authorisation, indeed please remove it. Mea culpa - and I won't ever do it again. 😩
  25. Martinminerva

    More Pennies

    I am pretty certain this really is one though: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1911-King-George-V-Bronze-Penny/193915563743?_trkparms=aid%3D111001%26algo%3DREC.SEED%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20160727114228%26meid%3D0b4ae74e5165491189eda494b13bd6f6%26pid%3D100290%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D4%26sd%3D193915563743%26itm%3D193915563743%26pmt%3D0%26noa%3D1%26pg%3D2060778&_trksid=p2060778.c100290.m3507 And in very nice condition too, though appears to have been rather badly cleaned? Others have spotted it I guess by the bids already in, and wouldn't be at all surprised to see it go well into three figures...