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Everything posted by Leto

  1. Leto


    sorry, my bad https://www.ngccoin.com/coin-explorer/ this one has to be correct
  2. Leto

    Where to buy coins

    I'm a newbie here, so not that often, if that was a question
  3. Leto


    not sure about british exactly, but concerning others this website https://www.ngccoin.com/coin-explorer is very usseful
  4. Leto

    Where to buy coins

    Try using this tool http://trustedpmdealers.com/request-bullion I'm buying now via tpmd a third time, and i luv it, because i can find the cheapest coin among all mints registered there
  5. Leto

    Enthusiasm for collecting has stalled...

    I guess you spent a big amount of energy towards stacking direction and now you're having a time-out period. Don't think too much about that, I had had lots of times when I just wanted to sell everything and forget about stacking at all, but we change as time flows and our attitude and desires change too. so that's ok