Hi everyone. I haven't posted here for a while- in fact I haven't bought a coin in over two years. I collect Early Milled Silver mostly, especially the Georgian period. I'm now wishing to 'get back on the saddle' so to speak, but as a student (going back to college next autumn after taking the year out), as you can imagine cash flow is a slight problem, especially when collecting early milled as opposed to the often more affordable Victorian coinage, for example. I always adhere to the rule of buy the best condition you can afford. Looking at my scant collection (albeit with a handful of very nice coins indeed), I often find myself thinking 'this is a hobby for old retirees with money to spend, i'm wasting my time here' LOL! I have thought about narrowing down, ie. rather than trying to collect sixpences, shillings, halfcrowns and crowns, just concentrating on one of those denominations for the time being. Anyone have any advice?