Hi one and all: I hope that this topic isn't redundant. If it is, please tell me and I'll do what is necessary per your advice to connect it to whatever might already be existing. I am completely new to joining forums, posting questions and/or comments, etc. However, I'm not entirely new to collecting -- but still have to consider myself a novice. I'm interested in anyone who is willing to share 'secrets' of bulk purchasing. I'm not unfamiliar with search engines -- but most of what I've located on my own tends to leave me with an impression of 'not truly bulk' -- stuff well-picked over and already 'bulked' into lots by grade, etc. And usually carrying a significant premium. I just don't seem to 'connect' with what would appear to truly be a bulk wholesale contractor. I collect both British and US coins. My current 'interest' is in double-florins and Victoria crowns in the 1887 to 1900 range. And, I am a 'yank'. So there are the usual postage concerns with regard to British coins for me -- and ... quite apart from that ... it just seems that in my area of the US (Wisconsin), there just aren't a great deal of opportunities for locating the 'undiscovered treasure trove' -- regardless of whether US or British. Having said that ... and implying as well that there just simply are not a lot of trade sales, 'garage sales', (or 'boot' sales as the Brits might call them)... I am thinking that my only avenue is true 'bulk sales' that can be found online. So ... any and all replies will be appreciated -- whether it be to indicate that maybe I'm missing some opportunities, or for online opportunities, or whatever. Thanks in advance for any and all feedback. God save the Queen! ./dz