The rules are: Don't list anything over graded, badly described, with fraudulent hopes, dodgy in any way. In other words, don't make it look like eBay! Nothing non numismatic either, it's not bric-a-brac. Private individual sellers only please.
You will need to have a minimum of 30 posts in order to be able to create or reply to a thread in this section.
Try to keep it to items valued from £1 - £250. I know a lot of the members, so if anyone isn't sure about the credentials of a seller, please ask me. I provide no guarantee, all risks are down to the buyers and sellers involved in the transactions.
I know you lot are all very sensible, but if I do see anything and think to myself 'You can't do that' or 'Bloody hell!' then it'll be removed. I'm very flexible as you know.