I'm relatively new to coin collecting so am picking things up and learning as I go, sometimes the hard way and buying the odd dud !. Just arrived today are my latest additions which I picked up via ebay, a 1717 'Dump issue' and a 1719 farthing. From what I can gather the Dump issue farthing is quite rare and commands a high premium. I've trawled the internet and am having trouble finding many examples to compare it with grade-wise. At a guess I'd say it was about Fine, maybe the worn legend on the reverse affecting it more ? Regarding the 1719 issue there are a couple of cracks in the flan on the obverse, does this affect the value of a coin much ? The date is the small 9 variety listed in my old Coincraft book which lists it as a higher value coin. Again, I'm having a bit of difficulty in finding out much more about this variety. Any info from the pros on either of these coins would be much appreciated thanks.