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UK banks are not doing much at present. Made a little bit trading in and out of HSBC with the generous dividend helping to a degree etc But won't be retiring any time soon.

Anyone else looking at anything interesting?


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3 hours ago, Mynki said:

UK banks are not doing much at present. Made a little bit trading in and out of HSBC with the generous dividend helping to a degree etc But won't be retiring any time soon.

Anyone else looking at anything interesting?


I have a small group of stocks that I monitor for significant movements. If, like Citibank, they look cheap at any given time then I will buy a few and then sell later on.

However, for the most part I don't trade on my own. I work with two brokers. One is a 'moderately conservative' portfolio with a well known financial management firm which hold the bulk of our retirement dosh and the other is a much more speculative arrangement with a much smaller sum of money using a small broker where, one day, we hope to hit the mother lode. :lol:

What I have realised over the years is that the amount of work you need to do to manage your own stuff is huge and that, generally, you are better off letting the professionals do it. The trick is to find the right professionals.

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Buy underwear futures. ;) There are huge export opportunities opening up in the Brussels area.

Cameron and Osborne are hitting the afterburners trying to instill fear, but everyone is switched off as it doesn't form part of a coherent argument

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'Leave' vote as low as 11/8 with some bookies now

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Combined with the comments from France and Germany EU members, Osborne saying he will raise taxes 2% if we vote leave are truly signs of desperation, Very poor campaigning by the Remain party in my view, if Economic doom and gloom wont influence the voters then threaten them,

why not simply address the issues the voters have and provide them the answers to the questions, every debate I have watched, the answer to every single question ends with the Remain talking about the effect on the Economy, totally avoiding the point and question asked

I cant see what positives came from Bob Geldof in a Million pound yacht full of posh totty and chinless wonders taking the P out of Farage and the Fishermen campaigning for their livelihoods.


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Mr Osborne is disingenuous with his "£30 Billion black hole"

From Philip Aldrick of the Telegraph 

"The Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) has calculated that the national debt is £4.8 trillion once state and public sector pension liabilities are included, or £78,000 for every person in the UK....finances data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) shows that the total debt, excluding bank bail-outs, is £816bn. However, the figures strip out the state's pension liabilities in a contravention of standard accounting practices.

Mark Littlewood, the IEA's director-general, said: "The official national debt figure is seriously misleading. Looming in the background are pension liabilities. These should be moved to the forefront. The ONS should include these liabilities in their calculations. It is shocking enough to see official figures revealing a jump in national debt, but the grave reality is that our real national debt stands at 333pc of GDP."

The £1.2 trillion public sector pension liability and £2.7 trillion state pension liability, should be published either monthly or annually alongside the net debt data for reasons of transparency.'

£30 billion is but a flea bite compared with the sum he is concealing,a huge %  of which is Civil Service pensions, illegally awarded by Civil Servants to Civil Servants without any consultation. No government has the guts to take on the CS. Those guys know where the bodies are buried.

Or where they will be buried.


Meanwhile 320,000 women born after 1950 have had their pensions stolen by successive governments and no one does a thing about it.

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On 15/06/2016 at 10:35 PM, Chingford said:

Combined with the comments from France and Germany EU members, Osborne saying he will raise taxes 2% if we vote leave are truly signs of desperation, Very poor campaigning by the Remain party in my view, if Economic doom and gloom wont influence the voters then threaten them,

why not simply address the issues the voters have and provide them the answers to the questions, every debate I have watched, the answer to every single question ends with the Remain talking about the effect on the Economy, totally avoiding the point and question asked

I cant see what positives came from Bob Geldof in a Million pound yacht full of posh totty and chinless wonders taking the P out of Farage and the Fishermen campaigning for their livelihoods.


They are desperate no doubt else they wont drag Jo Cox into the mix.

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Xetra-Gold is a Deutsche Bank sponsored plan whereby shares are backed by physical gold, and those shares can be exchanged for physical gold.  Well, that's the theory anyway. I've been banging on about the fragility of Deutsche for over a year and now something is starting to happen.




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On 2/10/2016 at 3:20 PM, bagerap said:

To be fair, as all their debt is dollar denominated, Janet Yellen did them no favours with the rate rise but I believe that huge percentages of that debt have found their way to Deutsche Bank and BNP. Both of these institutions are regarded as critically overstretched and should one, or both, hit problems it could be Goodnight Vienna for Glencore.

So, on the 08th of february just two days before you posted Glencore were at 95.38p.

Yesterday they hit £3.07 before falling to £3 each so more than tripled in ten months.

Just saying.....

Sirius Minerals (SXX on AIM) look interesting. In essence they want to build a mine in Yorkshire, mine a multi nutrient fertiliser and sell it globally. Reserves of their potash could be good for over 100 years. This video covers the details...


There is obviously risk and I doubt the 20p per share price will move north for a while but if this has more than trebled in five years time I won't be very surprised. Anyway I've put my money where my mouth is buying in at 18.75p the other day. My biggest single AIM based investment ever. Interestingly the shares were 50p before the company had guaranteed stage one financing for it's proposed mine. Existing shareholders were offered extra shares at a discounted rate of 20p (the offer price). The company then confirms that they have stage one finance to begin their project and the shares plunge to below 20p. Lots and lots of shorting has been going on but for a 5 to 10 year investment this could do very well. It's also noce to see some serious investment in the North of England. We all know it needs it! 

Been trading in and out of Lloyds a lot these last few months due to their volatility and doing OK.


Anyone else have any thoughts about current investments? 







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On 5/15/2016 at 4:46 PM, jaggy said:

Citibank now trading at $43.11. So that is a 13% appreciation in just a couple of months. UBS have a $53 target for end of year. I will take $50.

Update ..... Citibank closed at $60.04 on Friday. I bought 200 shares at $38.04 last February so that is a nice little profit and they pay a dividend too. For US tax reasons I want to hold the shares for at least a year so not ready to sell just yet. Hopefully, the price will not drop too much between now and then.

Alternatively, maybe I will just hold for the long term.

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