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WHSmith are pissing me off. Everytime I try to call their non fiction book buyer at their Swindon HQ, she's either busy, not there, on the phone etc. Despite emails and umpteen messages left with her colleagues to get her to call me back, she simply isn't!

So, as a result of that, WHSmith, who usually take at least 1000 "Collectors Coins" books when they are fresh every year, have absolutely no books at the moment. The reason this pisses me off slightly is because every day lost means Christmas sales lost, and how are people supposed to buy my book if it isn't there!

So, I would like you loyal British based forumees, if you get a chance, to either phone or visit your local WHSmith and ask them to sell you a copy of "Collectors' Coins Great Britain 2005" (ISBN 0-948964-42-1).

They'll find of course that they don't have one in stock and that they do not recognise the ISBN......

To this you can reply: 'Well, it is a very new book, perhaps it isn't showing on your system yet'.

Then ask them to order it in for you, they will then ask for your name and a phone number. Tell them your real name if you like and your real number and ask them to contact you when they have it, as 'It's important, and needed as a Christmas gift'.

Hopefully they'll then order it in, and should you receive a phonecall you can simply say that you managed to find a copy elsewhere.

The main thing is that if as many WHSmith branches as possible show an interest at HQ for the book, it may well cause them to get their fingers out and order a big stock of it.

I did it just now with a Kent branch, seemed to work pretty well.

(in the event that you somehow have to buy the book, the purchase will be funded by me!)

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That wasn't there when I last checked!

They either suddenly updated their book database (which comes from a national group that all publishers add new books to) and they're getting stock from a book wholesaler, and not from me. There is a small possibility that me ordering one yesterday triggered their system to add the book.

But however it managed to get there, is of course great!

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I've now ordered one online for delivery to someone else (so it looks like a gift!).

On the last page it said:

We are happy to confirm that you will not be charged for this order until we are ready to send it to you.

So that may imply that they don't have any, which now means they have to get some ;)

Next time I'm in the UK I'll order it in lots of different branches too, until they (or a wholesaler acting for them) order a large quantity.

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Just ordered from W.H.Smiths in Whitehaven. Told "the supplier says The re-supply will not be until 3rd December This seems to say they had it in in the first place!! I think someone is telling porkies! :o

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'Re-Supply', that's either rubbish, or they've been getting them from Gardners books.

Hopefully they'll need to order through me before the 3rd. I don't mind if WHSmith order, or Gardners books, but I'd rather they came to me directly, because they tend to buy loads at once, and Gardners only take smaller amounts.

If you get a copy Geordie, send it to me and I'll pay you for it including postage costs.

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Hands off! I want it!!!

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Don't you already have one? Fair enough.

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Following my online order, I got an email from WHSmith:

We have received a report that the above order is currently out of stock with the supplier.

We apologise for the inconvenience this delay causes. We will keep the order recorded on your

account and we will only charge your card once the order is in stock and ready to be delivered to you.

Erm, that's strange, because I'm the supplier and I have over 3500 copies stored in the house over the road!!!

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I tried to call the closest branch to my area, as they provide telephone number for their stores online, but no one picks up the phone... they have such a great customer support!!!!

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I'm not too impressed either, the thing is, if they don't take the 1000 books that I basically printed with them in mind there is a rish i'll end up stuck with them!

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I have singles on ebay (so does another seller) but I don't yet have 10's and 100's.

I will do at some point.

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You may have to start going to some websites and offering the books for sale...

One that I and Sylvester visit regularly is www.coinpeople.com and they have an area for sales and auctions, so you could post there letting them know you have the book available and the price including delivery... someone over there may buy some or even some dealers may be able to stock a few... for trying...

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You may have to start going to some websites and offering the books for sale...

One that I and Sylvester visit regularly is www.coinpeople.com and they have an area for sales and auctions, so you could post there letting them know you have the book available and the price including delivery... someone over there may buy some or even some dealers may be able to stock a few... for trying...

I'll advertise it on Coin Universe forums, Wybrit and Co's hiding place.

Have you tried Waterstones or Ottakers?

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Thanks Syl,

Waterstone's and Ottakers are both taking stock. (From Gardners Books)

I think i've tried every major bookseller, but it really isn't easy getting some of them to take your book....or everyone would be writing books I suppose.

Yesterday the Republic of Irelands largest bookseller (Eason and Son) took 300 copies. Such lovely people...They said they would call, and half hour later they called with a respectable order. Why can't those people in Swindon be like that.

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A member of the public contacted me to say that she buys the book every year for her dad. This year she tried WHSmith and that particular (and hopefully it was just that one) said they hadn't stocked it for the last couple of years!

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I've advertised over at CU forums but no one replied to the thread. I tried! :(

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Hi Chris, My W.H Smiths told me there was nothing listed on their orderline under

ISBN 0-948964-42-1 ??? I will try again next week, when they might have heard

about it !!!

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Hi Chris, My W.H Smiths told me there was nothing listed on their orderline under

ISBN 0-948964-42-1 ??? I will try again next week, when they might have heard

about it !!!

Thanks tubandpud, that's pretty much what the Gillingham, Kent branch said too. If they say it again, point out that it is on their website, so the computers can't be in sync somewhere along the line.

I found out today that WHSmith may be getting their books from a big book wholesaler that I supply. Apparently said wholesaler have got a lot on this time of year and have been unable to get books on shelves yet! In the mean time I contacted WHS offering them a slightly bigger discount if they buy from me in volume.

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Chaps, I think our efforts and my constant pestering may have paid off....

I finally got a reply from WHS HQ via email, with a very complicated form to fill in. I had to up their discount by 5% and re-affirm that the titles were Sale or Return, but I do think they will be taking stock.

Probably too late for Christmas, but hopefully they'll shift at least 1000 over 2005.

But I really have no idea what all these codes and complicated stuff means in the form!

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WH Smith have ordered 1000 books verbally, but need to send me a proper order to make it official.

So that's about 2700 books gone, 2300 to go!

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Finally! I have an official order for 1000 CCGB2005 from WHS!!

There are only 2200 books left now, and it's not even 2005 yet.

DAS predicted I would need to do a 2nd printing at Easter time, lets hope he's right.

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:angry: Power to the people??? :rolleyes:

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