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Handheld magnifying glass

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I noticed there is a topic on USB magnifiers but I would like some advice on general handheld magnifiers.

currently I have a cheap 4 X flip out magnifier and a 10 X loupe. I would like to replace the 4 X flip out, 

I want something that I can see the whole coin with at a decent magnification, also what are the thought on them having a built in light or should I rely on daylight?

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I have a spare loupe that has a built in light. I do not use it as a general rule, where there is adequate lighting, but once in a while it is really handy to have it available at coin shows, flea markets, etc where lighting is a issue. The loupe is a 40x. so you cannot see a whole coin with it, it is too strong, but for looking for varieties, it is great.

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Wow, 40 X magnification. I did not know they went that high. Does it have a manufacturers name so I can do a search?

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  On 2/20/2016 at 3:03 PM, IanB said:

I noticed there is a topic on USB magnifiers but I would like some advice on general handheld magnifiers.

currently I have a cheap 4 X flip out magnifier and a 10 X loupe. I would like to replace the 4 X flip out, 

I want something that I can see the whole coin with at a decent magnification, also what are the thought on them having a built in light or should I rely on daylight?

The one i mentioned at the start of the thread is spot on ,i have one i paid considerably more for.

The one i mentioned was for my grandaughter as she now insists on using mine all the time (she is only three) and is perfect for a full coin and you dont need to use the light switch for it to work.

The light is just an option.

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Sorry Ian for any confussion.

The thread i started last night i assumed was the same one as this :D

The one i mentioned is a hand held magnifier for viewing a full coin.

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Thank you Pete, I should have read that topic a bit slower and noticed you were talking about a hand held.

I have had a look on various site and there are a lot to choose from and various prices. What I was wary of was buying a shiny all singing and dancing one only to find out I should have gone for a different model.

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That one is spot on for looking at a full coin and for £10 not worth messing around.

You can buy all sorts but for at home perfect.

You would however look a bit of a NOODLE carrying one round at a coin fair as quite big :D

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Just bought one. If in the future you spot someone at a coin fair using one then you will recognise me as that noodle :blink:

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Wish i had found the same one a few years ago for £10.

Also Ian worth looking at the coin for grade then switching the light on as will show any marks better.


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Nice tip, cheers

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  On 2/20/2016 at 3:24 PM, IanB said:

Wow, 40 X magnification. I did not know they went that high. Does it have a manufacturers name so I can do a search?

Here you go Ian...


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Thank you Bob I will be ordering one today

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LOL  The advantage of hammered coinage is that I can get away with just using one of these.  Never felt the need to look much closer than identifying a mint mark:




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