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Help needed capital cities £1 coins

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I am hoping to collect the four capital city £1 coins and I wondered if anyone could help please.

I feel embarrassed to say it but my budget is not much.

Thanks Dave

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Hi Dave, do you mean the 4 UK £1 coins? i.e Oak & rose, leek & daffodil etc. I'm not sure on the capital city ones?

Also don't be embarrassed about budget, it's always in state a flux. You shouldn't have to fork out much for them either.

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These 'uns Nordle. You won't get them in that there Spain. :P

Capital £1.jpg

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Dave, the Edinburgh coin is the most difficult to acquire I believe. As a set, you should be looking at no more than £6 + postage if you really can't wait for them to turn up in your change. 

If you like to play on Facebook, see if you can join the group "English coins for sale and wanted" and ask on there. You should be able to get them pretty quickly.

Personally, I would rather wait until they turn up in my change. I got a Belfast one yesterday. :)

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This is quite reasonable by eBay standards


£5 including postage is only going to leave the seller with somewhere short of half that after costs for paypal, ebay, 2nd signed for large letter, jiffy bag etc, so I think you'll struggle to find cheaper.

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People are asking £14 to £18 plus delivery for a set of four capital city £1 coins and the quality is not that brilliant and i would love a set and to be honest it is the only set i have got my heart on but i just cannot get the set. :(


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The joy of coin collecting Dave, save up a bit of money and keep on searching, you'll find one eventually. The longer it takes the more you'll appreciate it when you finally get it

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If you are happy to get them from circulation, go to the bank and withdraw £60 or so and ask for it in £1 coins. If they aren't in there, bank it the next day and withdraw the same £60 next week. A little perseverance should pay off and you get your set for the grand sum of £4.


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21 minutes ago, Nutsaboutcoins said:

If you are happy to get them from circulation, go to the bank and withdraw £60 or so and ask for it in £1 coins. If they aren't in there, bank it the next day and withdraw the same £60 next week. A little perseverance should pay off and you get your set for the grand sum of £4.


Hi Ian my bank is 3 miles away and that would be a way to do it but i think i may have got hold of a set but it may cost me £8

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30 minutes ago, Davethepitch said:

I have got a pretty decent set but it cost me £10  :o

Cost you £6 not worth loosing any sleep over if you wanted them ;)

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Guest Sarah

Not sure if this information is relevant anymore.  I have been looking for the cities coin in BU condition.  I managed to pick up a brand new BU set for London and Belfast  £1 coin from 24 carat coins for £12.50.  They are still advertised.  However,  I  am still looking for a reasonable priced Bu set for Edinburgh and Cardiff.  The prices being asked are just crazy.

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Is the Edinburgh £1 the scarcest....?

Just had a look and i have one .....Is it worth £1.20 :)

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15 minutes ago, PWA 1967 said:

Thanks Dave.

If anyone wants it PM me and you owe me a pint :)

I have just checked the detail on mine and it is pretty good so I hope someone else can benefit from it as I don't want to be selfish and have it for the sake of it.

I am looking for a queen Victoria twopence but they either have holes in or are to expensive for me.


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Dave your welcome to it.

Not a problem either way as i dont want it :)

Do you mean the cartwheel two pence ?

Have a decent one with a good edge.

Will send them both for £30 on you being happy.

Dont worry about the money just pay me if you want them.


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I have just looked as I did not know what you meant by cartwheel but this is the type I mean with a date before 1900  https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=queen+victoria+twopence&oq=queen+victoria+twopence&aqs=chrome..69i57.14052j0j4&client=tablet-android-google&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#imgrc=kOURtuZ15PyC2M

Edited by Davethepitch

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I have just been talking about trying to join our local estate volunteers group and they have elderly sessions where they come for a meal and I hope I can use my Victoria coins as a talking point with them if it all works out for me.


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And I live on an estate that was once the second largest in the UK with about 18,000 people so I am led to believe.

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Sorry my mistake.

What estate do you live on ?.

Think one of the biggest in the uk is wythenshawe Manchester but i may be wrong.


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Your close to a couple of forum members.

One is called Jon (bad example) and really daft...........;)

Also close to the midland coin fair which might be worth a visit.

Happy hunting.

Also a dealer called Dave craddock has a list out this week....maybe worth you having a look as lives close and reasonable prices.



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Pete, if Dave doesn't want the Edinburgh £1 can I have it please? :) I've only got Belfast. :( 


Daft 'un. :P

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