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Guest Komisaruk

PCGS collectors club

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Guest Komisaruk

I am planning to go to the London Coin Fair this Saturday (4th June) to submit a US 20 dollar coin to PCGS to be graded.  I thought this might be useful if I decided to sell it. From looking at the small print on their website it seems that to submit coins for grading you have to be a member of the PCGS Collectors Club.  However, I can find little information about this club on the PCGS Europe website. On the form to submit coins to their Paris office, they quote a fee of 69 Euros to join the collectors club.

There is some more information on the US website. If you pay for the basic Silver membership ($69) you don't seem to get anything apart from the ability to submit coins for grading.  However, Gold ($149) and Platinum ($249) members get vouchers for complimentary coin gradings (4 and 8, respectively).  Does anyone have experience of submitting coins to PCGS and becoming a member of their collectors club? What are the UK prices for membership and are you only permitted to become a Silver member, or are the Gold and Platinum options also available? Any other thoughts or opinions would be welcomed.

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I joined the PCGS club this year, i took the gold option and submitted 5 coins at the coin fair in Munich, being honest, to slab just one coin it would not be beneficial, but if you were thinking of doing more then economically it would make a little more sense. You can go onto the PCGS.com website and join from there with credit card, you'll then get a membership number, or else you can download the submission form from the PCGSeurope site and tick the box to also become a member, no membership means you CANNOT submit coins

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Thanks for that azda. It is likely that I will get other coins slabbed in the future, so maybe a Gold membership would be useful.

If I became a Gold member :blink: now, do you think I would be able to use a complimentary coin grading voucher to submit my coin for grading at the London show this Saturday?

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I had a similar timescale problem, where i had maybe 2 weeks from the Munich fair joined the PCGS club, the voucher arrived by post but i didn't have it in hand when i went to the fair, they took my submissions and she wrote on my sun=bmission form that the voucher hadn't arrived, about 1 week later i had an email from them asking if the voucher had arrived (which it had) and i scanned it in and forwarded it onto them. You have a shorter timescale, so it might be tight, but you'd still at least be able to submit your coin, and if you have to pay this time, then next time you'll have the next 4 free. The next Paris grading week will be September and it might be more realistic that you will have 4 coins to send them along with your voucher.

I'd just pay for the one this time and look out another 4 for the September submission

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Azda - happy with the results of your submission?

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Yes, the process is fairly quick, once you see your grades on the PCGS website you'll have your coins back within 7-10 days. I'm sending 3 more into Paris for the grading week from the 13th-17th Jume, I'll probably see them back by the end of June, turnaround is much quicker than CGS or NGC.

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