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Unused Freeman Numbers

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Just looking through Freeman's book "The Bronze Coinage of Great Britain" 1985 edition, I was struck by the fact that there is no attribution for a Freeman 75, except that a small notation appears, which reads "See p 19". But on turning to page 19, there is no obvious reference to a 75  

There are others, such as the Freeman 144, 151 & 152. They all say "see p 19", and the latter two also have rarity 18 against them.

Is anybody able to cast any light on what might or should appear on page 19?




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These numbers appeared In the original 1970 edition; F75 was described as 7+H with H below date and having a grained edge. The other 3 are also described as having a grained edge.

Page 19 of the 1985 edition explains that some coins were found to have had their grained edges applied after leaving the Mint, but doesn't refer explicitly to these Freeman numbers although it mentions that the coins are omitted from the later edition.

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Thanks Richard, much appreciated. 

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17 hours ago, secret santa said:

These numbers appeared In the original 1970 edition; F75 was described as 7+H with H below date and having a grained edge. The other 3 are also described as having a grained edge.

Page 19 of the 1985 edition explains that some coins were found to have had their grained edges applied after leaving the Mint, but doesn't refer explicitly to these Freeman numbers although it mentions that the coins are omitted from the later edition.

Well explained...

I have the Freeman plate coin f-144 purchased from the man himself...



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