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1937 Proof Set 3d Coins

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I was looking at a 1937 proof set for sale which contains both the Maundy 3d and the normal 3d as well s the new brass issue. My question is what is the difference between the two silver issues and if the same why include two 3d silver coins in the set?. This was the case in the 1911 proof set that included the Maundy  1d, 2d,3d &4d coins but no extra 3d.

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I think that they only included coins that had different designs.

Edited by Nick

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I think the 3d Maundy and 3d circulation were the same coin.

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  On 7/7/2017 at 9:23 AM, ozjohn said:

I think the 3d Maundy and 3d circulation were the same coin.

If they were, they shouldn't have been. The currency 3d has a rose on the reverse

Edited by Rob

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Thanks for answering  the question I was asking. Perhaps I should shell out and purchase a 1937 set.and I would see the difference.

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Checked it out myself the circulation 3d is completely different to the Maundy 3d issue which follows the issue of the previous reign. Sorry to ask a silly question.

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This the standard 3d from the 1937 proof set,  just trying to find a picture of my 3 d proof maundy 

3d proof 1937 ob.jpg

3d proof 1937 rev.jpg

Edited by craigy

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  On 7/7/2017 at 12:00 PM, ozjohn said:

Checked it out myself the circulation 3d is completely different to the Maundy 3d issue which follows the issue of the previous reign. Sorry to ask a silly question.

no shame in asking, thats how we learn things,   better to ask then to never know ;0)     and make a costly mistake as i have 

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  On 7/7/2017 at 7:22 AM, ozjohn said:

I was looking at a 1937 proof set for sale which contains both the Maundy 3d and the normal 3d as well s the new brass issue. My question is what is the difference between the two silver issues and if the same why include two 3d silver coins in the set?. This was the case in the 1911 proof set that included the Maundy  1d, 2d,3d &4d coins but no extra 3d.

there are some subtle differences between the standard 3 d's and the maundy ones that look alike in Edward VII's reign and before, angle's of the rim etc, a good book to buy is  silver pennies and linen towels by Brian Robinson, goes into great detail about issues and dies telling proofs from standard etc, gone up a bit in price now, i got it when it was first issued, great book though  isbn 9780907605355

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Is "Silver Pennies and Linen Towels: Story of the Royal Maundy" just an updated version of "The Royal Maundy" also by Brian Robinson?

Also, anyone happen to have a working link to a .pdf of "Great Britain Maundy Coinage Since 1822: A Guide to the History, Ceremony and Coinage of the Royal Maundy" as mentioned at http://www.coinbooks.org/esylum_v11n13a33.html

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