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Excessive masturbation and soft drinks are blamed for poor fitness of potential recruits to Chinese Army

In one city in China, 57 per cent of try-outs were rejected on grounds of fitness 

One in five said to be too fat, while 8 per cent had overly large testicular veins

Army chiefs have blamed junk food and overuse of technology like smartphones

By Iain Burns For Mailonline

Published: 18:41, 23 August 2017 | Updated: 18:50, 23 August 2017





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An increasing number of young Chinese people are too fat and unhealthy to join their nation's military. 

In just one city in China, more than half - 57 per cent - of try-outs were rejected by the army because they failed the physical exam. 

According to the state-controlled People's Liberation Army Daily newspaper, wannabe soldiers in the communist republic are also being found to suffer from liver and kidney problems caused by junk food and alcohol. 


Tough: The Chinese People's Liberation Army is the biggest in the world and rigorous fitness standards are required to join. Many wannabe soldiers, however, have been found to be simply not up to a life in uniform 





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One in five was said to be simply too fat to join. 

About eight per cent of men applying were found to have unusually large testicular veins caused by excessive masturbation. 

Eyesight, too, has been found to be substandard in many applicants - making them unfit for duty in the largest army in the world.


Passion: While many Chinese might be keen to join their nation's military, an increasing number are being rejected when they apply. In one city, 57 per cent were turned down 


Unhealthy: Reasons given for rejections have included being simply too fat and having an overly large testicular vein caused by excessive masturbation. Pictured: Chinese soldiers rehearsing for a musical performance to celebrate communism in China

Senior staff blame poor diets and and technology including smartphones for the apparent dip in standards among Chinese youth.

It also suggested that the high mineral content in water was partly to blame for liver and gallbladder problems.

But the report - spread by social media app WeChat - did attempt to reassure patriots by stressing that in the USA, 80 per cent of applicants are rejected. 

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by Taboola 

I can tell them what the main problem is and its imported from the usa too much mcdonalds



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Take note re the large vein Peter :lol::lol:

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Heres one person who is pleased to hear of chinas problem


Edited by copper123
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Hey just a minute - isn't he .........

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overly large testicular veins

Crikey....who would have thunk it? 

Bunch of tossers.


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I wonder who come up with the diagnosis of "overly large testicular veins" and I bet he never brags about his unusual job in the pub with his mates


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A quick question: How do the testicles know the difference between a hand shandy or handsfree job? Does that mean that too much doubling up results in overly large veins not just flying solo? :blink:

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yes how can they also tell large veins are caused by excessive masturbation or  too much sex ?

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  On 8/26/2017 at 8:21 AM, copper123 said:

yes how can they also tell large veins are caused by excessive masturbation or  too much sex ?

Perhaps the Chinese secret police just watched the videos from all of the applicants bedroom surveillance cameras......

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