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the royal mint

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so this company is taking reservations, the coin has not even been advertised out yet on the mint site, this company says they are official distributors on there advert on facebook, middle right of picture , hows that work then ? 



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they are now up on the royal mint site lol, 2 hours after being on the other site, think we can safely say these guys and other people have special access to these coins and others, 

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Yes, the RM do step down to such levels. I think the Reverse proof Britannias in "sets" from this year and last are further examples. I can scarcely believe that they are cranking out children's fairy tale coins complete with colour transfers, even in precious metals and that people are snapping them up!

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  On 9/4/2017 at 3:56 PM, VickySilver said:

Yes, the RM do step down to such levels. I think the Reverse proof Britannias in "sets" from this year and last are further examples. I can scarcely believe that they are cranking out children's fairy tale coins complete with colour transfers, even in precious metals and that people are snapping them up!

Why not? The respected organisation that is the BBC produces programs like Eastenders and a whole raft of other s***e in its chosen field. Why should the RM have a monopoly on public service mediocrity?

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  On 9/4/2017 at 3:56 PM, VickySilver said:

Yes, the RM do step down to such levels. I think the Reverse proof Britannias in "sets" from this year and last are further examples. I can scarcely believe that they are cranking out children's fairy tale coins complete with colour transfers, even in precious metals and that people are snapping them up!

its never ending now, we have another royal birth crown and silver proof thingy to look forward too now, they've dragged the arse out of beatrix potter, the new britannia design is utter rubbish, the shield design for the definitives is utter tosh as well, 

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Uggh, well then you may have to stick to the classics like all the other dinosaurs on here. I sometimes feel wet behind the ears in only collecting Vicky and up....

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