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full sovereign fake or real

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Looks ok to me, but what makes you think it is wrong? If you have purchased it (presumably from an image) and then ask if it is iffy, I would question your rationale. Why not do your homework before spending the money? Unless money is no problem, in which case..............

You can always use a known good sovereign to calibrate your existing scales. It doesn't matter if the readings are out as long as they are consistent.

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  On 9/6/2017 at 5:19 PM, Rob said:

Looks ok to me, but what makes you think it is wrong? If you have purchased it (presumably from an image) and then ask if it is iffy, I would question your rationale. Why not do your homework before spending the money? Unless money is no problem, in which case..............

You can always use a known good sovereign to calibrate your existing scales. It doesn't matter if the readings are out as long as they are consistent.

 I am very new to sovereigns and I find it very hard to look at a coin and say - that's  looks  like how the  coin should be, I was relying on my £4 scales but they are giving me different readings from  8.00 g to 8.03  ,my other coin is reading  7.98 to 8.01g  depending how i put it on the scale . I did measure it with a steal ruler and  it is  within the normal size . basically I got this of someone on gumtree i know its a big risk and i don't think i will be doing it again .

Edited by darren4K

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  On 9/6/2017 at 5:19 PM, Rob said:

Looks ok to me, but what makes you think it is wrong? If you have purchased it (presumably from an image) and then ask if it is iffy, I would question your rationale. Why not do your homework before spending the money? Unless money is no problem, in which case..............

You can always use a known good sovereign to calibrate your existing scales. It doesn't matter if the readings are out as long as they are consistent.

also the coin in question is over 8.00g consistent more 8.01g  , and that's why i think it could be fake as i have read anything over 8.00g has a high possibility of being  fake and its not a new coin .

Edited by darren4K

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Get a set that you can calibrate and buy a few weights.

Given the variation in weights for what is the same item, I wouldn't lose any sleep over it yet. Equally, the other one could be light. Dodgy ones tend to have detail differences which become obvious in time.

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  On 9/6/2017 at 6:41 PM, Rob said:

Get a set that you can calibrate and buy a few weights.

Given the variation in weights for what is the same item, I wouldn't lose any sleep over it yet. Equally, the other one could be light. Dodgy ones tend to have detail differences which become obvious in time.

Hi! I have just ordered a better set of scales and they come with some weights  ,  is it true that a lot of fake sovereigns are under weight?  When reading about what weight full sovereigns  should be there seems to be a lot of different opinions, like coin shouldn't weight 8.00g ,  then I get told A sovereign should weigh 7.98 - 8.02g and a worn coin might weigh 7.94g or slightly less, , I have also order a 10x eye loup as it is very hard to see the fine details with the naked eye .

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Just a little point re diameter...don't forget any metal can weigh the same as gold at a given diameter. Namely, the depth is also important.

If it's got a nice quality milled edge and you can rule out electroplating by a combination of correct weight/diameter/thickness, then you're half way there. The other half would be design irregularities, and brass, which doesn't tone, or even look like gold unless it's highly polished.

A good set of well-calibrated scales will certainly help put your mind at rest.

You will seldom find 'modern' gold overweight, if ever. I'm no gold expert, but I've never seen an overweight sovereign.

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  On 9/7/2017 at 10:54 AM, Coinery said:

Just a little point re diameter...don't forget any metal can weigh the same as gold at a given diameter. Namely, the depth is also important.

If it's got a nice quality milled edge and you can rule out electroplating by a combination of correct weight/diameter/thickness, then you're half way there. The other half would be design irregularities, and brass, which doesn't tone, or even look like gold unless it's highly polished.

A good set of well-calibrated scales will certainly help put your mind at rest.

You will seldom find 'modern' gold overweight, if ever. I'm no gold expert, but I've never seen an overweight sovereign.

Hi! I picked up a better set of scales and I decided to weight all 4 of my coins, I have two of each date   1911 / 7.995g  1911/ 7.974g  1912/ 7.970g  1912/ 7.977 .  Do these all seem ok and the weight a full gold sovereign can be? , I guess its never going to be perfect because you have to give some  room for older coins having less weight with wear, but again I am not an expert  just have a few sovereigns that I would like to know are not fakes  .

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