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Looking fro advice.

I've just purchased a William III shilling and it is covered in black fleck marks, if I use a silver dip to remove these will it reduce its value?

If it does is there a way of removing them that doesn`t


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  On 1/18/2018 at 2:17 PM, Johnshan said:

Looking fro advice.

I've just purchased a William III shilling and it is covered in black fleck marks, if I use a silver dip to remove these will it reduce its value?

If it does is there a way of removing them that doesn`t


I would not advocate using silver dip for anything except bad tarnishing, and then only briefly (two 10-second bursts at the absolute maximum). As for your flecks, it all depends on what they are and what's caused them. Gentle washing in pure soap and then dabbing - not wiping - dry might, or might not, help.

Got any pictures?

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Thanks for your advise,

See pictures

Regards John



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Isn't that just hay marking? If so, it is largely tolerated as it occurred during the minting process and cannot be removed.

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Good news.

Thank you,something else I've learned.  

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I've seen this on many pictures of coins from this era,never realized it had a name, always wondered what caused it??

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and a nice looking coin John wouldn't go anywhere near it with dip!

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  On 1/18/2018 at 7:20 PM, Sleepy said:

I've seen this on many pictures of coins from this era,never realized it had a name, always wondered what caused it??

As far as I know, no one is certain what caused it. I think there is some theory about hay being mixed into the molten metal.

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Than you sleepy

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  On 1/18/2018 at 7:23 PM, Sword said:

As far as I know, no one is certain what caused it. I think there is some theory about hay being mixed into the molten metal.

Peppercorn money then?

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I think it is badly mixed metal. Silver in purified form has to be alloyed to reduce it to the correct fineness (92.5% is sterling silver). The normal metal added would be copper.

I have noticed a far greater tendency for silver to suffer from haymarking than gold. I think this is due to the difference in melting points between the three metals. Silver melts at 100 degrees below the melting point of copper, so the pot needs to be heated far beyond the point that liquid silver forms in order to melt any added copper. Failure to melt the copper would result in specks of sold copper remaining as it is likely the lighter particles would be in suspension. Gold on the other hand melts within 20 degrees of copper and so there is less chance of the copper failing to melt. Time allowed for melting is another factor. Once poured and cooled, any copper will react with the air to make copper (II) oxide, which is black. 

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