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Tealby penny with an S

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Afternoon all, I found this Tealby last year and recorded it with PAS . The report came back stating its bust E1 , North 960/1 but didn’t mention the S after REX . Can anyone throw any light on what the S means . I’ve not been able to find any other Tealbys on the internet that has one. 

thanks Richard 


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  On 1/19/2018 at 3:05 PM, Richard2 said:

Afternoon all, I found this Tealby last year and recorded it with PAS . The report came back stating its bust E1 , North 960/1 but didn’t mention the S after REX . Can anyone throw any light on what the S means . I’ve not been able to find any other Tealbys on the internet that has one. 

thanks Richard 


The problem you have here Richard is that the coin has been entered into the dies a number of time, as well as upside down! The dotted shoulder armour is very much in the wrong place, relative to the hand! Also, what you perceive to be obverse legend (X and S) are actually sat inside the obverse inner circle, and I would personally say that the X is a Tealby cross from the reverse, where the coin has also been hammered upside down. I haven’t looked, but there is every chance you’ll find that S somewhere in the reverse legend too?

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Thanks  coinery, I managed to borrow North from a mate and looked at the plate 18 coins. No 25 seems to show an S in the same position as mine and having looked closely at other tealbys on google the X of  REX look very much like the cross and crosslet X on the reverse. More research needed I think


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  On 1/20/2018 at 6:33 PM, Richard2 said:

Thanks  coinery, I managed to borrow North from a mate and looked at the plate 18 coins. No 25 seems to show an S in the same position as mine and having looked closely at other tealbys on google the X of  REX look very much like the cross and crosslet X on the reverse. More research needed I think


It’ll be interesting to hear of the outcome, do let us know! :)

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Will do

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Having looked a little more closely, I concur with your point about the X and Tealby cross. I’ve only been able to find an S on the reverse so far but, as you know, they are notorious for being poorly made and badly struck.



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I’ve managed to find further evidence of the S after REX in my copy of Brooke and the 2010 coin register. But no mention of what the S might refer to, I haven’t had it recorded with the EMC yet , so that will be next.



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I’m very much back-tracking and going 100% with your XS legend, Richard...good work, you have presented credible evidence! As you may have picked up in various threads, I have never bought or investigated coins that are earlier than John, with my previous major collecting interest being Elizabethan, until my more recent commitment to the Plantagenets. So the Tealby’s are clearly on my radar, even though I have kept myself satisfied with the Edwards, H3 and John, thus far! 

It’s great to have a lively hammered section on this forum! :)

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Thanks, reading through some of the BNJ notes on tealbys there’s plenty of heavy reading to digest ,most which goes completely over my head I’m afraid. I’m thankful if I can just narrow it down to the correct monarch mint and moneyer. I agree,I t is good to see plenty of hammered threads on here. There’s quite a few more coins I could put up for opinions and thoughts



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Hi D F ALLEN refers to this legend reading in Henry II Cross-crosslets and regards it as standing for Senior or Secundus Types for class B, E and F,pg XXIV and XXXI AND XXXII. mints recorded Exeter (B or C) no 273, Ilchester (B3) no 278, Ipswich (B3) 298 London (E) 509 pl 22 17 ( different obverse die to yours) Your coin appears to read N:CA which could indicate Carlisle or Canterbury both of which struck in class E

Edited by davetmoneyer
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Thanks very much Dave, that’s saved much searching. Found in Sussex near the coast ,so more than likely to be Canterbury 


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