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Import Tax, Customs & Excise, VAT on Coins

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  On 5/30/2018 at 9:42 PM, zookeeperz said:

ebay tried to tell me they charged the correct amount so having had just about enough today with one thing or another. I copied and pasted the customs charter in his PM box lmao. And said read this you thick B********d. I guess i'll get reported again. already been banned from the forum lol. Don't you just get enraged when you know they are reading from a dummy card and have no common sense whatsoever? bunch of clowns

Yep, you have my sympathies. Communicating with some of these individuals is like trying to walk through treacle. 

Often I think how nice it would be to just have a normal conversation with someone who spoke the standard Queen's English, hadn't got a weird, difficult to understand foreign accent and they could actually comprehend what you were talking about - and you them !!!

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For me its the bogus RM handling charge that really annoys me .a totally non refundable ransom charge 

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yes I quite agree I was told hpowever that RM only spot check something like 20% of the custom excise mail which is a lot better than these companies that shove on the handling fee and the tax 100% of the time.  I asked them once for the accounts they send to the tax office and they denied my request..LOL  it's a postal scam I am sure 

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I usually have all my US buys come to a friend who saves up until a box is full and then sends them over in a single box , as they arrive from the US postal service the cost is usually around £30 handling and tax sometimes £40 it is not that I mind the tax its the handling if I were to get that each time it would make the process of buying there much more difficult.  Find a trusted friend and rely on goodwill 

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  On 6/8/2018 at 2:53 PM, DrLarry said:

I usually have all my US buys come to a friend who saves up until a box is full and then sends them over in a single box , as they arrive from the US postal service the cost is usually around £30 handling and tax sometimes £40 it is not that I mind the tax its the handling if I were to get that each time it would make the process of buying there much more difficult.  Find a trusted friend and rely on goodwill 

I've got no real issue paying the tax. What annoys me is the resultant delay in receiving the item. 

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yes me too it's like its just out of reach 


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If it were a business other than the govt run extortion bureaux the monopolies commision would swoop on their door . To me paying tax and VAT on goods already paid on is illegal . And it is the biggest govt scam of the modern era. Vat and tax on new items is a given but to continue to charge full rate on 2nd hand goods is just an outrageous act of piracy.

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  On 6/8/2018 at 3:16 PM, DrLarry said:

yes me too it's like its just out of reach 


Larry, I notice you never quote the post you are commenting on. Always useful to do this as a) it avoids confusion as to who you are referring to, and b ) it alerts the person you have quoted so they can immediately see your post if they want to.

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LOL you are more into conspiracy than I am LOL 

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oh yes sorry i did not realise that it alerts them directly ...i am still getting used to things on here I do notice that I have to go back over my postings not realising anyone has commented so if I do that it will make it easier ...thanks 

  On 6/8/2018 at 3:20 PM, 1949threepence said:

Larry, I notice you never quote the post you are commenting on. Always useful to do this as a) it avoids confusion as to who you are referring to, and b ) it alerts the person you have quoted so they can immediately see your post if they want to.

If you are unaware of what to do, just click the word "Quote" on the post you wish to reply to.   



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  On 6/8/2018 at 3:21 PM, DrLarry said:

LOL you are more into conspiracy than I am LOL 

I don't believe anything I read and I believe even less the the propaganda the news reports everyday. I research my own sources . All govt's are corrupt as hell even ours. I am just grateful that some of the whistleblowers hold enough clout to have their voices heard. The nation at large are the mushroom state " for most of the time kept in the dark and fed horse manure" :) 

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  On 6/8/2018 at 3:37 PM, zookeeperz said:

I don't believe anything I read and I believe even less the the propaganda the news reports everyday. I research my own sources . All govt's are corrupt as hell even ours. I am just grateful that some of the whistleblowers hold enough clout to have their voices heard. The nation at large are the mushroom state " for most of the time kept in the dark and fed horse manure" :) 

I take the default French view of politicians ... they are all liars, cheats, theives and adulterers ..and when they’re proved to be liars, cheats, theives abd adulterers .. they shrug their shoulders and say ... yeah, we knew that .... 

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I don't have an issue paying for work done, but think the threshold for paying import charges should be raised so that the RM would need to check fewer things, and to the end user the charge would seem less egregious being a smaller percentage of the total. The fixed charge on top of a couple pounds import VAT is disproportionately large, but on a couple hundred is neither here nor there.

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