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Looks that way to me - certainly the first and third could be "Do" which was a recognised abbreviation for "Ditto" - ie same as above. Middle one is a little less clear, but unless someone was bidding with a very short name, I can't think what else it could be.


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Thanks for the input Paddy, I did ask someone with the same catalogue and they have young as the buyer. Just wanted to query it to make certain.

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Young was the buyer and Do is Ditto. Trouble is, he was a dealer, so it could have been for anyone unless you have the next sale it appears in, in which case it's a bonus as you now know that Young was buying in the sale for the next person. 

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Thanks Rob, I’m certainly getting there, have identified it in a number of sales. Two pieces I know off. One beginning with earl of oxford and the other beginning it’s collecting life with Richard Mead. I know the one in the Marmaduke sale being described as “fine and rare” is most likely the latter piece.

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Did Tyssen have one? My catalogue has the buyers named.

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Yeah his was the Mead example, but unfortunatly it ends with Tyssen at the moment with the buyer being “shaw”. I’ve got two lines of provenance which I’m certain off just gaps at the moment..

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  On 4/13/2018 at 2:23 PM, Rob said:

Did Tyssen have one? My catalogue has the buyers named.

Do you have any other English patterns under the name shaw in Tyssen, I’ve found someone with another named copy, just trying to identify this shaw..

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  On 4/13/2018 at 7:20 PM, jasonsewell said:

Do you have any other English patterns under the name shaw in Tyssen, I’ve found someone with another named copy, just trying to identify this shaw..

Just the one. Lot 2913.

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I see Cureton was a buyer in 1832, and still very active in the 1854 Cuff sale. 

I assume the buyer's name and hammer price was written in manuscript by the auctioneer or his assistant immediately after the coin sold. 


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  On 4/13/2018 at 10:18 PM, 1949threepence said:

I see Cureton was a buyer in 1832, and still very active in the 1854 Cuff sale. 

I assume the buyer's name and hammer price was written in manuscript by the auctioneer or his assistant immediately after the coin sold. 


Apparently you could purchase catalogues with the prices and buyers transcribed post-sale. That's why they are always written neatly.

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