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1882 H and 1884 Canadian Cents

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Right where to start. 1882H Once cent Listed with OBV 1 and OBV 2 which I have no problem with as in identification other than there is a transitional OBV 2 / OBV 1. reported yet not confirmed. I have what could be a transitional but the opposite way around obv 1/ obv 2. the marker is the point at which the truncation touches the border beads there is an outline of another bust. But that is for further investigation. 1881H has a very rare variety with the N's only having 1 serif. I have 1882H with the same and also 1882H with both serifs. I have seen a handful of the single serifs on the 1882H and are not as rare as the 1881H but still considerably scarcer than the normal 1882H. Now I come to a stumbling block. There isn't any info on different reverses used for 1882H. The two coins I have are completely different. Different font sizes and different beading sizes. 

the 1884 uses the same obv dies as the 1882H with obv 1 being very rare on the 1884 which as shown on the picture would look like the first pic top left. The 2nd 1884 shown matches up with obv 1882H above it so that is fine both are obv2. But the left hand 1884 is different to both the 1882H and 1884 obv 2 forementioned as in the nose with a distinct hook and the top of the tiara where it touches the bead on the normal obv 2 it sits just under the bead and is narrow in its make up. The bottom left 1884 with ? has a wider jewel and is attached to the bead. Also the makeup of the profile is also different all obv 2 have an indent in the chin on the underside and the chin is curved this coin is angled no curve to speak of and no ident but it isn't obv 1 as it would be the same as the coin above it . Also notice the right upright of N in regina. Both on 1882H and the 1884 obv 2 below the upright points to a border bead on the inside ring on the left hand coin it points between two beads. So could the left hand 1884 be one of these transitional OBV1/OBV2 as the 1882H obv 1 also points between the beads? 

I hope that doesn't sound too muddled I am just lost as to identification. Be interested in any ideas or info on these . Thanks chaps :)




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You might have to look across the pond for someone similarly obsessed with Canadian coinage.

I can only offer what Charlton says which is that 'there are 3 reverses from independently engraved master tools. The provincial leaves 1876-82, Large Leaves 1884-91 and Small Leaves 1891-1901. Four varieties exist for the obverse but their detailed listing is not included in this catalogue'. So methinks you will find something if you dig a bit deeper.

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2 hours ago, Rob said:

You might have to look across the pond for someone similarly obsessed with Canadian coinage.

I can only offer what Charlton says which is that 'there are 3 reverses from independently engraved master tools. The provincial leaves 1876-82, Large Leaves 1884-91 and Small Leaves 1891-1901. Four varieties exist for the obverse but their detailed listing is not included in this catalogue'. So methinks you will find something if you dig a bit deeper.

yes I have found some more info on the obverses it seems there are transitional dies at play. There is obv 2/1 which has 2 varieties and obv 1*/1 Which is probably what the coin is I can't identify. As for the reverse There are no recorded different reverses used for 1882H So the one with the larger font and larger beading is unrecorded for whatever reason. Could be an old specimen strike or dies used from such as the coin does look to be in higher relief. I'll put some feelers out see what i can glean :)


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Try coincommunity.com Their Canadian section is very lively and knowledgeable. 

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