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Now I know we all use various outlets to purchase our coins. Be it online auctions or fairs or land based auctions. I am having real difficulty finding any online auction house who will accept payment by CC/DC over the phone. I used to pay like this all the time up until about 6 months ago. Now I am told that it isn't a secure method anymore. Which I find totally bamboozling as you have to jump through so many hoops to get registered to start with. Do any of you guys know of any of the online auctions who still accept payment with this method still? or is it changed right across the board. I can't travel so paying in person is not an option. I can't pay by direct  transfer as my account isn't that type. So if you know of a few that are happy to take payment over the dog and bone I would be most grateful if you could throw me a few names :) thanks 

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I have not run into this problem much yet, although I am both able to get to the sales if they are close enough, and to use a bank transfer if not.

I used Lawrences of Crewkerne last week and they happily took payment over the phone, though they only have 2 coin sales a year. DNW website indicates they take payment by phone, though I haven't been successful there for a while to test it out.

I spend a lot of time trawling around the small local auctions, which are mostly on easyliveauctions - most of them still seem to take cards, though if they don't it will say so in their blurb.

I hope that helps.


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  On 5/24/2018 at 7:50 AM, Paddy said:

I have not run into this problem much yet, although I am both able to get to the sales if they are close enough, and to use a bank transfer if not.

I used Lawrences of Crewkerne last week and they happily took payment over the phone, though they only have 2 coin sales a year. DNW website indicates they take payment by phone, though I haven't been successful there for a while to test it out.

I spend a lot of time trawling around the small local auctions, which are mostly on easyliveauctions - most of them still seem to take cards, though if they don't it will say so in their blurb.

I hope that helps.


thanks Paddy. I am a member of the saleroom.com its just a portal to the auction world where I can see any online auction /cat/proxy/ in the world. I have used it many times and always paid via CC after the bill of purchase arrives in my in box. But a lot of the online auctions now do not accept payment by phone. in fact i have not found 1 in over a year. I guess i'll just have to troll through the T&C until I find one but as usual when you get to that part its as ever the greyest part of the T&C. but cheers appreciate the feedback ;) 

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I just had a look on Locke & England and this kind of practice really gets under my skin. putting descriptions as "Possible  Chinese dragon dollar coin" with est £80-£120 . It either is or it isn't and how can you put an est on something that is more than likely to be 99% fake of £80-£120. There is also other chinese coins and english all with high est with the erroneous title of "possible" . This kind of thing shouldn't be allowed. Should be verified authentic or it stays out of the sale:angry:

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  On 5/24/2018 at 12:57 PM, zookeeperz said:

thanks Paddy. I am a member of the saleroom.com its just a portal to the auction world where I can see any online auction /cat/proxy/ in the world. I have used it many times and always paid via CC after the bill of purchase arrives in my in box. But a lot of the online auctions now do not accept payment by phone. in fact i have not found 1 in over a year. I guess i'll just have to troll through the T&C until I find one but as usual when you get to that part its as ever the greyest part of the T&C. but cheers appreciate the feedback ;) 

Yes - Saleroom.com is a level up from Easyliveauctions. Someone told me that Easy costs the auctioneers about £200 per auction whereas Saleroom is £600+ - so they need to be confident of their stock and charge higher premiums. Of course the very top notch auctions have their own bespoke websites.

I keep an eye on both, but if you are looking for bargain bulk lots Easylive will be more likely. The best of all are the very few auctions that are not online at all!

The other way of resolving your issue is to set up a separate bank account with online facilities for the purpose. I use FirstDirect, which I have been with almost since they started, and they have been brilliant. If you decide to go with them, PM me because I think we can both get a kick back from them for a referral... :D

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  On 5/24/2018 at 7:37 AM, zookeeperz said:

Now I know we all use various outlets to purchase our coins. Be it online auctions or fairs or land based auctions. I am having real difficulty finding any online auction house who will accept payment by CC/DC over the phone. I used to pay like this all the time up until about 6 months ago. Now I am told that it isn't a secure method anymore. Which I find totally bamboozling as you have to jump through so many hoops to get registered to start with. Do any of you guys know of any of the online auctions who still accept payment with this method still? or is it changed right across the board. I can't travel so paying in person is not an option. I can't pay by direct  transfer as my account isn't that type. So if you know of a few that are happy to take payment over the dog and bone I would be most grateful if you could throw me a few names :) thanks 

Hmm, interesting. The Saleroom accepted a DC from me over the phone last August. 

Not sure what they mean by "not secure". In what precise way not secure? I wonder.

I can pay by credit transfer, but only £500 at a time, as my account is not a business one. So for more expensive purchases, I have to split the payments, and send several lots of £500 plus a balancing amount, which is an inconvenience, though jnot an insurmountable obstacle.

Could send a cheque, but that's a bit of a long winded process when you're eagerly awaiting your purchase. I've only used 9 cheques since 2006, when my last cheque book started.  




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Many of the small local auctions selling through Easyliveauctions will not take online Debit or Credit card payments, but will accept them over the phone - if that helps.


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  On 5/25/2018 at 12:16 PM, Paddy said:

Many of the small local auctions selling through Easyliveauctions will not take online Debit or Credit card payments, but will accept them over the phone - if that helps.


I don't know where you find these as the auctions are all the same whatever platform you use. T & C everytime. we do not accept payment over the phone it is so annoying.  James & sons used to take payment over the phone they no longer allow it. ewbanks no longer accept cheques but I don't have a cheque account so don't affect me. Online secure I guess that's not a problem same as ebay kind of set up. Arthur johnsons no longer accept phone payments. It just gets so bloody tedious having to wade through the terms trying to find payment methods. I guess by secure they probably mean you might not be the owner of the credit card. Phone up and pay with A.N.Other . Can't see it myself. you have to register your card with the online platforms before you can bid. The only thing they could be concerned is if the delivery address is different from the owner of the cards address.?

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Look at this est £100-£160 all fake nobody is safe anymore. this particular set of coins does the rounds in every auction online. repro's not even good ones


fake lot.jpg

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The pennies look ok (read that as genuine) .... but otherwise it looks like something a 5 year old made in playschool!

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where did you see all that rubbish advertised?  yes I agree the pennies do look authentic if a little "green" around the edges 

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  On 5/25/2018 at 2:41 PM, zookeeperz said:

Look at this est £100-£160 all fake nobody is safe anymore.

Don't buy them then. ;)

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  On 5/25/2018 at 4:37 PM, DrLarry said:

where did you see all that rubbish advertised?  yes I agree the pennies do look authentic if a little "green" around the edges 

That's from an online auction house land based but via saleroom. Yes I meant all the silver were fake they just added the few authentic pennies to try and give it some standing lol. Colwyn auctions

Edited by zookeeperz

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I don't know enough about the French indo China coins I was however quite shocked when I ordered some 1852"shillings from one of these fake coin sites they look incredibly authentic although the "ring" is wrong and there is a flaw on the right side and an expert would be able to gauge the milling reeding is wrong.  Everything else felt pretty good or bad. I do find it sad that it takes the joy out of collecting for novice collectors once bitten twice shy. As if the chances of a new generation of collectors is not slim enough this rather nails the coffin shut. 

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I enquired about payment methods and delivery costs to an auction that was taking place on the 26th may . I emailed them on the 23rd they answered the 28th. 2 days after it finished lol. But alas they are one of the bank transfer only or cash in person brigade and a delivery charge of £30. adding that to the vat and online bidding premium of 3% makes the lot you were bidding on or interested in just too expensive. It will kill the trade eventually just another government pocket picking exercise for items we have already paid tax on god knows how  many times.:angry:

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