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Unwilling Numismatist

7 Kilos of Johhny Foreigners

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why not .. 500 pesetas @ £1.59.

I think I might have to google the ones they pay most for ... must be an alterior motive there surely!

Edited by Unwilling Numismatist
crayon attack

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  On 5/31/2018 at 9:44 PM, Unwilling Numismatist said:

why not .. 500 pesetas @ £1.59.

I think I might have to google the ones they pay most for ... must be an alterior otive there surely!

Conspiracy theorist that I am makes you wonder why they are willing to pay so much for obsolete coinage as in specific coins? Have they been tampered with ? is there something deep in the coin that they need to retrieve? All these questions will be answered tonight on Film at 11 :lol:

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I am waiting for you to discover another coin that will make you trip over your bottom lip. :lol: 

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I am the purveyor of bad news :unsure: I contacted leftovercurrency and asked about the prices they had listed on certain coins as they seemed to be rather generous. I think I might of saved the guys job :lol: So I am expecting a gift in my mailbox . They had just updated the site and the prices we saw were input errors. Shame really as I was just about to purchase 1500 stotinov coins 10-20-50 500 of each for £79 in the hope of receiving just short of £7000 as the price for the 50 stotinov was advertised at £9 each :ph34r: the £2.50 and £1.50 ish.

Oh well maybe this time next year we'll be millionaires?:lol:

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There was coin in there for £11.59, it was late, I felll asleep before I could hunt any down.

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Looks like you lot above are thinking about summer hols

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I go through over 200 kilos of mixed foreign coins a week.Its second nature to me.

Depending on the mix i pay £3 to £4 a kilo and up to £20 a kilo for good useable currency and also

pay fair prices for notes

regards Michael

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