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There's a couple of reports already for Mr. Bush, he's been banned and IP blocked :ph34r:

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Damn and I wanted a few passports:rolleyes:

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Yes - I was thinking of getting a Russian one as insurance in case Corbyn gets in.

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  On 7/3/2018 at 2:01 PM, Paddy said:

Yes - I was thinking of getting a Russian one as insurance in case Corbyn gets in.

I'm going to get a red one before Brexit happens. As for Corbyn, you mean to say you're not absolutely horrified by the prospect of Jacob Rees-Smog? :o

Jacob Rees-Mogg.jpg

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I doubt we would ever get Rees-Mogg even standing for leadership, despite the scare-mongering of the sandalistas.

But I think I would prefer to have the pub dog in charge rather than Corbyn or any of his cronies. Socialism is fine but Marxist Communism is a step too far!

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  On 7/3/2018 at 4:01 PM, Paddy said:

I doubt we would ever get Rees-Mogg even standing for leadership, despite the scare-mongering of the sandalistas.

But I think I would prefer to have the pub dog in charge rather than Corbyn or any of his cronies. Socialism is fine but Marxist Communism is a step too far!

It is interesting when I chat with young people how many of them prefer this approach to the values of market economies and market forces dictating and the fact that many feel very disenfranchised by these terrible Tories.....there is a great new book in the Horrible Histories series. AS for that Rees-Mogg character verses Corbyn I certainly would choose the latter but then again I am a socialist liberal and anything would be better than a tory. 

Edited by DrLarry
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  On 7/3/2018 at 4:01 PM, Paddy said:

I doubt we would ever get Rees-Mogg even standing for leadership, despite the scare-mongering of the sandalistas.

But I think I would prefer to have the pub dog in charge rather than Corbyn or any of his cronies. Socialism is fine but Marxist Communism is a step too far!

Since Corbyn is no further to the left than the average Cabinet Minister of Attlee and Wilson's Governments, (he's certainly not as far left as Benn or Bevin), then I think you're simply reacting to a straw dog created by the likes of Northcliffe, Desmond, and the Barclay Brothers, who are all non-domiciled press barons who don't give a sh*t about Britain as long as the £ keep rolling in.

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A kick in the teeth would be better than a tory......oooppsss sorry we have been getting that the past how many years already double whammy kick in the teeth and tories.....Gods preserve us 

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