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Please help identifying coin- Cnut?

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I'am new here. can someone help me identifying the smaller coin at the right corner below. Other coins shown are Edelred, Cnut and Harthacnut

Thank you

IMG_0231 2-ccfopt.jpg

IMG_0233 2-ccfopt.jpg

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Edward the confessor. Small flan type. Spink 1175. 

You've misidentified the one above on the right. Its also Edward the confessor. Pacx type Spink 1171

Did you find these detecting? 

Edited by Ukstu
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Thank you. No, I ve just get a small collection approx a 30 of them are approx a same period. 

Here is then one Harald I and another Edward the confessor of Pacx type as I understand


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  On 7/6/2018 at 10:50 PM, deemas said:

Thank you. No, I ve just get a small collection approx a 30 of them are approx a same period. 

Here is then one Harald I and another Edward the confessor of Pacx type as I understand


Yes thats correct. Lucky you eh! 

If you did find them then you need to report it as it's treasure. You probably know this already. 


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There no such a coins in the area I live :) I just get them in a trade for the army patches :) But it's a really hard to understand them all, and even a mint

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Top left is Stamford, top right is Thetford, bottom left I could do with a better image (Bath?) and bottom right is London

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You've done extremely well with your trade. Great swap. 

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