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Chris Perkins

Look what I just nabbed on eBay!

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I was browsing around a little last night, I think I was looking at cars or something. I checked someones feedback and something they bought was a painting. I thought, that's interesting, so I browsed in the paintings, European 1900 to date section.

Then I thought, I wonder if any of the coin designers ever did any paintings, I mean they were artists, I'm sure they could also draw/paint better than your average chav on the street. So within the art section I searched for 'Kruger' (after George Kruger Gray 1880-1943) and it returned no results in the art section. But! it returned a few 'kruger' results in other sections, and I spotted this:


A document signed by Mr 'Krugerrand' himself. For some reason I've always had a slight interest in South African history, and this item has a coin link, and a strong South African history link! At first I though £110 (the opening bid) was a lot. I thought perhaps I'd wait and offer the seller £75 afer it finished unsuccessfully. But then, 16 seconds before it ended someone jumped in, leaving me no choice. I whacked £120 on the table with 3 seconds to go, and I got it for £113 something.

It'll go nice with my silver contemporary Boer war coin set bought back by a Scotish soldier with an Afrikaans fire insurance document and a Boer war news cutting from a Scotish newspaper that I acquired.

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Well spotted Chris. It just shows, you never do know what you might find on E-Bay.

Car boot sales are another unlikely place - if you know what you are looking at.

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Chris "me old mucker"...I'm knocking these out for £4.99 plus £115 P&P :D

Ebay...love it or hate it...you can be watching THAT BARGAIN....when silly money steps in.

I've just bought a 1858 1/2d & a couple of farthings for £2+...didn't realise until too late that he didn't take Paypal. :(

I have fun by just searching....I got a cracking local picture for 0.01p the other day....what made me laugh is the bloke tried to deliver it & the Missus sent him away. :D

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OK, I will have to assamble my team... we need to plan a hit... Chris, would you mind sending us your address, a map of your home and the times the home is empty? :D:lol:

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Lovely acquisition!

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Following on from my news on Paul Kruger, I bought a book about the man by Johanees Meintjes and have just started it. On page 41 it mentions Jacobus Nicolaas Boshoff, who was the President of the Orange Free State from 1855 - 1859. The name rang a bell as it turns out I have a customer called Peter Boshoff.

I had spoken to Mr Boshoff on the phone before and recognised him as being South African from the accent. So I emailed to ask if he might be related to J.N Boshoff.....

Turns out he is, in fact President Boshoff is none other than the son of Mr Boshoff's great great great grandfathers cousin (ok, so it's a little obscure, but there you go!). Both of the Boshoff's are related to the 1st Dutch Boshoff who it is believed emigrated to SA in about 1650.

And Mr P Boshoff is fluent in Afrikaans, and has offered to translate my Kruger signed document when I get it (which should be any day).

I also bought a picture of President Stephanus Johannes Paulus Krüger (Paul Kruger) which was cut from a book dated 1899. I will frame the picture with the document and hang it on the wall. Picture of the Boer Statesman is below.


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Are you turning from numismatics to bibliophile? :D

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Sometimes things just take my fancy.

Usually I'm very lazy and disorganised in day to day life. When something takes my fancy/gets me interested or I really want to learn about or do something for financial gain or other reasons, I'm unstoppable....While I have the time.

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I have the time----I don't have the money!!! :angry:

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I also bought a picture of President Stephanus Johannes Paulus Krüger (Paul Kruger) which was cut from a book dated 1899. I will frame the picture with the document and hang it on the wall. Picture of the Boer Statesman is below.

What a great story!

I remember seeing early film footage of Paul Kruger on the history channel... a treaty signing ceremony I think. It's funny... I only really recognised him when he had his profile to the camera!

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