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Mr T

books on maundy coins

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Does anyone have a copy of "Great Britain Maundy Coinage Since 1822: A Guide to the History, Ceremony and Coinage of the Royal Maundy"? According to https://www.coinbooks.org/esylum_v11n13a33.html it was published at http://site440.mysite4now.net/hoschcoins/site1/Portals/0/MAUNDYwork.pdf but it is no longer there, and the Wayback Machine doesn't have a copy either (just a copy of another book by Charles R Hosch: https://web.archive.org/web/20090207110941/http://site440.mysite4now.net/hoschcoins/site1/Portals/0/COIN DESIGNERS.pdf).


And can anyone recommend "The Royal Maundy" by Robinson in 1977 or "Silver Pennies and Linen Towels: Story of the Royal Maundy" by Robinson in 1992? Is there much about the coins themselves?

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All the coins are covered in the 1977 book, though the majority of text relates to the historical aspect. Not too surprising really when you are only looking at 4 essentially identical coins per set, and a change in monarch is required for a new design.

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I had a copy it fetched only about £5 on ebay read it myself , yes more about the history than the coins themselves .

I would say its a must if you collect maundy  but not much use for a general collector

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Surely a general collection would include Maundy money? Anyway, books about topics other than a collector's personal criteria expands knowledge and may inspire to branch out. :)


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Yes, true for me, but I almost think of them as a nuisance. Probably have about 20 different sets.

Never understood how coins such as the 1923 Maundy 3d with identical design to what would have been a currency are not more sought after by 3d collectors - a bit like the 1847, 48 and 1852 3ds, where the only ones sold (virtually) are pirated from Maundy 3d sources.

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Last year I dipped my toe into Maundy sets (I've obtained a few odd coins over the years)

I think I'm quenched on them as a type.

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  On 1/12/2019 at 1:47 PM, Peter said:

Last year I dipped my toe into Maundy sets (I've obtained a few odd coins over the years)

I think I'm quenched on them as a type.

yes they are best collected as type sets - too expensive otherwise

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silver pennies and linen towels is a great book

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Thanks - re the Robinson books I was wondering if there was anything in-depth about the coins in them - I guess not, so all good.

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by ther way it was the 1977 book i was on about I remember all the stuff about elizabeth in it.

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