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reminds of Only fools and horses when grandad gives Rodney his fathers cigarette case saying it saved his life then proceeds to tell him the bullet rebounded up his nose and blew his brains out lol 

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  On 3/15/2019 at 8:56 PM, craigy said:



reminds of Only fools and horses when grandad gives Rodney his fathers cigarette case saying it saved his life then proceeds to tell him the bullet rebounded up his nose and blew his brains out lol 

Very interesting - the coin would have been in circulation for 29 years at that point, and given that pennies in those days would have seen orders of magnitude more circulation than pennies these days, that level of wear looks plausible. 

Somebody will undoubtedly buy it. How much for is anybody's guess. What slightly surprises me is that the family are willing to let it go - that raises slight suspicions in my mind that it might all be a fake story. 

BY the way, was that an actual sketch from Only Fools and Horses? If so, i'm even more suspicious. 


Edited by 1949threepence

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