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Emergency Issue 8 and 4 Reales over-stamps

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Just thought I'd start a new topic on this, there is much to debate, not for the first time I am sure!

A while back I acquired 2 'pieces of eight' examples, the type collector in me wants at least a 4 reales, example and an octagonal counter-stamp example.

Here are my 2 (Mexico and Bolivia (Potosi) mints), would love to see other members' examples! :)



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Looking for a Guatemala, Chile and the two Spanish mints.

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Not strictly mine, but an octagonal marked Potosi 4R that I sold a few years ago and recently bought back in. Rare coin.

00008691 - Copy.jpg

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Wish this is mine. 

It was actually exhibited in the Tower of London


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This is my only one - not one of the scarcer ones but attractive enough. Pity about someone scratching WW into the obverse.


1781 Oval CM Dollar 1 Red.JPG

1781 Oval CM Dollar 2 Red.JPG

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12 hours ago, Paddy said:

This is my only one - not one of the scarcer ones but attractive enough. Pity about someone scratching WW into the obverse.

You could always claim it was William Wyon as a child!

  • Haha 1

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