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Another treasure unearthed

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A friend of mine, who has since made an even bigger find that is yet to break the mainstream news, a huge hoard of William and Harold coins.....the hat pin took 6 years to go through the treasure process and was eventually disclaimed and returned to the finder

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There was a large hoard of hammered silver and gold discovered last weekend up Newcastle way. There were live streams on facebook with pictures etc.

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I always have my fingers crossed when they discover hammered coin hoards that they are from the 1140s, but with gold present probably more 1300/1400s. Still maybe it'll drop the price of nobles for a while? 😁

Harold and William coins, that sounds interesting. Suppose it depends how many make it out to collectors though, probably no so many if they are rarer types and we are talking Harold here, so not exactly common.

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