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Guest Joan Tennant

my grans coin!

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Guest Joan Tennant

I have found a coin in some boxes belonging to my Gran, and would like to know if naybody can help me identify this coin, it is quiet a thick coin and about the same dia. as an old penny, cir.1820 with 'JOANNE V1 D.G Port.BR.ET.ALG.R'

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What it actually says is JOANNES. VI D. G. PORT. Br AND ALG. R. which means Jean VI by the Grace of God, King Of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarve.

If you could give us any more information, like what design the coin has on the reverse, the diameter, or the metal, it would help greatly with identification. Alternatively, register and post a picture/scan of it.

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Well, I think it is King Joao and from the inscriptions it seems to match a 40 reis coin.

Oli is right, we need a description of the design... one side will have the Portuguese shield (five small shields in an upright cross pattern and then seven more shields around with a crown on top). What is on the other side? It could be the king's head, or a value in a wreath, or a big cross with little flowers in the quarters...

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