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Chris Perkins

Quiet lately

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Where is everyone lately, this place is relatively dead.

Sylvester says hello by the way. He has a dodgy internet connection and lots of work to get on with.

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I'm busy sorting coins while waiting to hear after my latest job interview... tomorrow is a 5p listing day on ebay, so maybe I'll start some auctions in the evening.

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And I'm (still) busy searching for rare Charles I shillings (finding an 'allegedly' 'dodgy' eBayer in the process)!

But 'hi' to everyone anyway!

What's the job MM?

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Gardening no doubt.

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I'm still here. Just not many posts for me to reply to. Been doing some serious soul-searching, trying to determine where I am headed with my coin collecting, and whether it is the direction I want it to be or not. Have considered narrowing down some of my collecting areas, and doing more in-depth focused collecting, but I am too much of a flaky type and just jump into all kinds of hodge-podge stuff. If I could control my impulse buying, I think I could develop a nice collection, but not sure of what :lol: We'll see.

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Tom, I'm a software engineer and over the years I've picked up experience with digital TV broadcast equipment. I'm applying to a company that makes such equipment and also happens to be quite local to me... if it all works out I'll have more interesting work to do and a much shorter commute!

Kuhli you should remember that any specialist collection is just a subset of a general collection :) At least, that's how I think of all my specialist collections!

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I'm still here :)

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I'm here too.

I seem to remember that it did the same last year, especially with Ancients (not sure about other coins)

I just put it down to the clocks changing, the weather warming up, post Christmas Visa bills to pay.

I think this time of year people actually go out & do stuff!

It's rubbish for selling stuff, but there are bargains to be had!



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I'm back after trips to East Anglia to sing in Norwich cathedral (and spend money in Clive Dennett's shop) followed by a conference on Hertfordshire.


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Do you recommend Clive Dennetts shop ?

The journey to Norwich is about an hour.

I think the Castle would be a good visit for my girls....however I don't want to leave the Missus

shopping for too long.

Last time I went to Norwich was a coin fair 2 years ago....I spent over £400...and the Missus

wasn't far behind.

The difference being I've still got and like the stuff I bought !!!!!

I think the singing in Norwich is limited to the cathedral.He he he :D ......I live in the Blue side of Anglia. B)

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Still here too! :)

Glad to hear you've heard from Syl - have not seen him in any of his usual online haunts for quite some time now.

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I'm here also. It's been the Easter Holidays so I was out and about doing other things! :D

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Hi Guys,

I do look in from time to time, but 'not knowing much, I can't say much'. I am still learning and

picking up hints and tips from local coin shops (as well as yourselves). Hopefully popping into

a fairly local (I imagine small) coin fair at the weekend - that would be my first, so should be interesting.

I am still at the stage of thinking the local coin shops are Aladin's Cave !!

Also been busy with the usual home & family things over Easter (school hols. for the grandchildren)

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Checking in.

I've been busy in my regular job of late, less time to post. There's also a lot of personal business to attend to this time of year, including the dreaded income tax forms, which are finally done.

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I am here I think we need to get talking about some non-coin stuff etc. in the nothing to do with coins area I come on here twice a day but there have been little posts

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I'm here too, or if you prefer "sono qui".... :o

I always have a look in the forum, but my topics are not much, basically couse it's not easy for me to write and communicate what I think in english.

Some years ago I decided (I always say that only God knows why...) collect british coins, and this forum is a great surce for me!

Well, if you need some informations about italian or Euro coins.. I'm here...!

e.g. probably in the next week will be struck the 2005 "Sede Vacante" (Vacancy See) coin. It's a Vatican coin struck during de vacancy of the Holy See; the last was minted in 1978, during the Vacancy between John Paul I and John Paul II....


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Hello aleroit2000, I have just posted an Italian coin question on the non British coins forum :)

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I always have a look in the forum, but my topics are not much, basically couse it's not easy for me to write and communicate what I think in english.

e.g. probably in the next week will be struck the 2005 "Sede Vacante" (Vacancy See) coin. It's a Vatican coin struck during de vacancy of the Holy See; the last was minted in 1978, during the Vacancy between John Paul I and John Paul II....


Ma non, il tuo inglese e buonissimo!

Yes, when the Pope died I immediately thought "sede vacante coins", but they're probably going to be difficult to get hold of. Last time I was in Rome (2002) I didn't see any Vatican euros at all, so if you see any "sede vacante" coins, please snap one up for me!

Mille grazie - Geoff

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Last time I was in Rome (2002) I didn't see any Vatican euros at all

Yes, but this is couse vatican euro coins have a quite low mintage and are all "sell" in official and proof sets.......

I remember some years ago, when I was in Rome, when i bought in Vatican shops they gave me the change in vatican liras...

The Sede Vacante has always be (since 1939) a "commemorative" coin.

The problem is that now is very difficult to buy or obtain vatican coins and when it will be struck probably it will be available only in coins shops, whit fool prices.

Anyway, I've read in the newspaper that the cardinals have decided to struck some "sede vacante" stamps and the classical coin.

But they haven't decided yet when...

On the other hand, it seems that at the end of april will'be emitted the programmed 2005 official set with Pope John Paul II.

If is so, the new Pope will appear on coins only in the next year...

If I'll have more information I'll write in the forum


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Do you recommend Clive Dennetts shop ?

Hi Peter,

Sorry not to get back on this one earlier. Clive is very knowledgable; a bit intimidating for the newcomer, perhaps, but I suspect someone who's willing to share his knowledge one he realises you're on the same wavelength.

The shop is quite small with not a lot on display, but if you express an interest trays of tempting things will appear for you to look over.

Definitely worth a visit. There's also a small shop selling coins and stamps not far from Clive's (he's on Benedict St.) in a little courtyard behind St. John Maddermarket and another near the top of Elm Hill.


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Thanks Geoff...the Ace card up my sleeve when my wife suggests a shopping trip to Norwich. :D

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Hi and yes, I'm still here! I went on holiday to Rome a couple of weeks before the Pope died, and bought a set of the vatican coins. Does anyone know how much the Sede Vacante coins are, and where I could get one from? Thanks.

Still looking out for Victorian, I've been buying quite a lot of colonial coins lately, and also any older stuff that takes my fancy.

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I went on holiday to Rome a couple of weeks before the Pope died, and bought a set of the vatican coins

You bought a liras set or a euro set? Can I ask you how much you paid it?

Does anyone know how much the Sede Vacante coins are, and where I could get one from?

Now the only sure news about Sede vacante coins is that "probably" they will be struck..... And probably in the next months (when there will be the new Pope..... - a nonsense..... <_< ).

Yesterday in Vatican were emitted the new Sede vacante stamps series.....

in any case, when the coin (or the coins....) will be struck, the only way to obtain it will be:

1: avait more or less 12 hours out of the Vatican coin shop in Rome;

2: have a special account, as vatican coins collector; (that is very difficult to obtain.....)

3: buy it (or them) in a normal coin shop with a price that is 10 times the Vatican prices;

4: be an important cardinal or a relative of the new Pope..... :P



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So I will have great difficulty getting hold of one of them... :(

I bought a set of liras and it cost €12

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