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General Elections

Who would you vote for?  

15 members have voted

  1. 1. Who would you vote for?

    • Labour
    • Liberal Democrats
    • Coservatives
    • UKIP
    • BNP
    • other

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That's better! More reasonable questions.

On political/social matters i'm just to the right of middle, (+1.00)

But i tend to be rather authoritarian with it, (+4.56).

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Trouble is..if you try and limit people who vote....facist......

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Trouble is..if you try and limit people who vote....facist......

It doesn't necessarily lead to that conclusion, for example, what about hereditary peers at the turn of the century that didn't want the extension of the voting franchise?

Could lead to feudalism... :D

Ah now feudalism, there was a system! Closed market, everyone keeps their place... lovely. ;)

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What time can Lady Peter and I expect you around tomorrow to clean our cars.....Oh by the way I've got a few new coins that need catalogueing.

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What time can Lady Peter and I expect you around tomorrow to clean our cars.....Oh by the way I've got a few new coins that need catalogueing.

You'd trust me to catalogue your coins? :o;)

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Why not?

I.ve got a massive copper dish full to do...I don't mind this chore though. :D

Before you know it Tony will find a way of taxing it.

Quality Hammered silver...my pension....trouble is wanting to sell it?

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I think I posted The Political Compass a while ago.

Oh right, okay, let me see where i stand with this one...


hmm...I seem to be heading towards Thatcher, but i am nearer totally neutral...

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Before you know it Tony will find a way of taxing it.

I am supprised that he hasn't already...roll on May 5th.

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If you find yourself in possession of a valuable coin collection, but otherwise destitute, do they force you to sell it before you can get any help from benefits? I know they expect you to spend your life savings...

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It will come....its called means testing.

We live in a crazy world...we will end up with the haves & have nots.

I can gaurantee pensionable age will soon move to 70 even 75.

All the money hard working people pay in will be frittered out amongst (those who don't deserve)...make your own list !!!!

Like money thrown at NHS/education...You can't polish a turd.

The biggest fraud...private pensions is waiting to happen.

Start looking after nr 1.

Rant over...the sun is shining...its Bar B que time :D


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I'm personally paying in over 4k per year into a pension fund...part of my companies perks!!!!!!

We are a commercial company...but even they can't see it.

My tip for investment...Rolf Harris limited editions,Gold,pre 19C furniture..and good quality Victorian Erotica....well thats my tip B)

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Medieval gold at that!

(First edition Harry Potter/Lord of the Rings books too)

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You students have far too much money.......in my day it was 3 bottles of thunderbird...happy hour etc trouble is we were sober by 10pm :P

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You students have far too much money.......in my day it was 3 bottles of thunderbird...happy hour etc trouble is we were sober by 10pm :P

Too much money cos i don't drink... :D

I spend most of my money on chocolate... malteasers are to die for. Best invention ever!

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I tried the 'Political Compass' which told me to vote Liberal! No chance!! :angry:

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I think I posted The Political Compass a while ago.

Well thanks for that Oli - it was most interesting.

I appear to be some kind of anarcho -leftist. Along with my friends, Ghandi, Nelson Mandela and the Dali Lama.

I can live with that. No wonder I find all this election stuff irritating - Labour are just too far right wing for me and as for the others....

Free health care, scrap the bloody trend towards everyone and their dog to go to university, make school about educating children to remain curious about the world around them and caring about their fellow human beings rather than about passing exams. Make prison about rehabilitation, work to reduce drug addiction to reduce crime. Reduce the pension age to 50, increase National Insurance contributions to cover it (triple should do). Of course what we really need is for a change in public attitudes so that being a teacher, doctor, nurse, train driver or dustbin (wo)man, is more likely to be a childs aspirations than being a vacuous celebrity. Oh yeah - I read about this place called Utopia - sounded good - I think we should have that too. We could pay for it by levying a tax on political hot air.

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We could pay for it by levying a tax on political hot air.

Gowd you'd be raking it in!

Actually on the Liberals, they are actually more left wing than Labour now.

Politically i seem to bat both ways, some issues i take a left wing stance on, others i take a right wing stance on, which makes me a centrist with a bit of a nationalist streak that pushes me just over to the right side of the line.

I think i'm voting for the UK independence party again this election. Avoiding the euro and keeping out of Europe is the only thing i really care about at this present moment in time, but that's because i want to live in the past, always have, always will.

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I think i'm voting for the UK independence party again this election. Avoiding the euro and keeping out of Europe is the only thing i really care about at this present moment in time, but that's because i want to live in the past, always have, always will.

True UK independence is as much about independence from Washington as it is from Brussels. Why is UKIP so silent on the former?


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I think i'm voting for the UK independence party again this election. Avoiding the euro and keeping out of Europe is the only thing i really care about at this present moment in time, but that's because i want to live in the past, always have, always will.

In my opinion that would be a wasted vote. What chance is there that voting UKIP will win them enough seats to win the election...If you want a change, voting conservative or lib dems would at least give a chance of labour loosing in this election...just an opinion though.

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My point is i don't actually like any of the parties (except UKIP)*, i just want to strategically undermine the government and keep the Tories out too.

As the saying goes; "they all pee in the same pot anyhow, they just stand in different places to make it look different".

I'll vote for the Conservatives if it's borderline, if i knew they were going to get in easily then i'd vote labour to weaken their majority. From my present position strong governments don't look too good, cos when they get in power they can do what the hell they want and no one can stop them (like invading Iraq which i was against anyhow). Don't kid yourselves people if the Tories got in we'd still end up with the euro... afterall it was them that took us into the common market and into Europe in the first place. They haven't said no to the euro or Europe, what the Tories said was "in Europe but not run by Europe" which is pretty broad and open to interpretation.

I just want a nice isolationist policy, focus on this country first (immigration, policing etc.) and keep out of Europe/US's affairs.

*I like the anti-Washington stance too.

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just be thankful;l we at least have 3 main parties to vote for uinlike the usa.

im voting lib dem

the main reason is that there are millions of people in the uk earning low wages that are actuially paying so much more tax than them on higher wages as a percentage of income.

i know people on 200 pounds a week taking home 9k and there then paying out around 1000 pounds of this in council tax.the same as if they were earning 20k, this just aint right.

So im voting lib dem on the main policy they will abolish council tax and bring in the fairer system of local income tax like usa/australia and many others have.Its crazy for everyone no matter what they earn to be taxed the same.

im also voting for them because all i see around me is government workers everywhere, everyone seems to be working for the government these days.

And everyone in the government all had huge pay rises over people that dont work for it.This i believe was mainly responsible for the house price inflation as the minute they gave nurses 25% payrises and teachers 35% pay rises and every one else was the moment house prices went through the roof as others not working for the government didint get these pay rises its made a two tier society where the people in the safe/nice pension/secure/less ahrd working enviroment are now those in the better position than most.that just aint right.

i also cant vote conservative as it would sicken me to the core to vote for the party that turned scotland into the test ground for every unpleasant tax in the uk and destroyed the whole of scotlands industry, when i left school in 86 there was about 50% unemployment where i lived and everykid left school without any hope of all of a job, it ruined whole generations. i got out, i moved and then things got better but thats no consellation for they hard times the whole country felt.

i live in blackpool england now and i had a msg on my answermachine yesterday with gordon marshal my local mp asking if he can depend on my vote.

thats one call i regret missing.

Vote lib dem and save your soul

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I took the test on whoyoushouldvotefor.com and came out as green party. I even took it a 2nd time and re-thought my answers but i'm still green! :D

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I've been giving it alot of thought lately, i think i might throw my vote with the Lib Dem.

I wouldn't be surprised if the Lib Dems didn't win it this time, it'd be a nice change (how these words will come back to haunt me), i don't think either of the other two main parties are fit to run a country... a long spell out of power for both would do them both good.

Parties that have long premierships tend to begin to think they deserve to be there and that everything they do is untouchable. They begin to neglect the public and forget why they are really there, that is to run the country on behalf of the people, not expecting the people to bend to how they think the country should be run.

As you can tell i just don't like governments, any of them.

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It's going to be a Labour landslide again...I just hope people vote tactically to reduce their majority.

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