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Early Milled book

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Well i'm still working on the maundy listings, and a few additional ammendments to the copper to go through.

The crowns to sixpences are done and i now need price researchers for these areas;

1) Crowns

2) Halfcrowns

3) Shillings

4) Sixpences

5) Description editor*

Anyone willing to step forward to take on price research for one of those areas will be credited in the book as usual.

I would do some of it myself, but i'm busy with other work at the moment as well as thinking of brushing up on the introduction stuff, needs a bit of work doing to it.

* 'A description editor?' you say, what on earth is one of those? Well as you may realise in coin books at the beginning of the price listings (or in the price listings before each monarch) there is a chunk of text introducing the main themes, types of coinage, explaining the design and any important historical info that might be needed, thinking stuff like the meaning of 'Lima' and 'Vigo' on coins, things to watch out for when grading, rare dates, scarcity of the series and such. Well i've got some preliminary example texts to help you out should you want to take on this challenge.

The person that takes on description editor status will have to ensure that they don't plagerise, i will assisst the person doing this should they request any help, but since it's not exactly a small job i think you'd deserve top billing in the crediting.

This book is entirely new and taking a 'new' approach i therefore need your help if we're ever going to get it off of the ground, a new part of history, be part of it!

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Oh and one last thing, unlike the modern coins book this time we actually have the templates done and ready to fill in, so i can email you your blank template and you just fill in the blanks.

Then mail it back to either Chris or myself, with this done the description editor's texts can be added, any issues can be brushed out and the main section of the catalogue is done.

Price listings come in three parts, Regular issue coinage, proof issue and errors/oddities. So if you're doing Charles II - George II Crowns you'll get three templates, a big one (for normal coins), one half the size (for errors, thanks Bill III) and a diddy one for the proofs.

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I take it from this that there is no real rush to get piced finished for next month or something then? Because due to coursework (mainly ICT) I have had no time to get everything finished (still need to do most William III to George II stuff)...?

Also, who can I ask for bmc. numbers? Chris?

Edited by Master Jmd

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I take it from this that there is no real rush to get piced finished for next month or something then? Because due to coursework (mainly ICT) I have had no time to get everything finished (still need to do most William III to George II stuff)...?

Also, who can I ask for bmc. numbers? Chris?


I totally understand the coursework! I'm up to my eyes too.

If i remember rightly you're doing the copper right? I'm happy for you to continue on in that area at your own pace.

As for deadlines, i would like this done for September though, i dunno whether or not i'll be keeping my internet connection or not, hopefully i can persuade my parents to kep it on, but now that i've all but left uni there is no incentive on them to retain it. Hence why i'm trying to sort stuff out whilst i can, as long as i can get all the areas covered and the major issues sorted out, i can then hand it over to Chris to pull it all together. (Most of it is actually together anyhow)

I just can't do it on my own that's all, time is running out. I've finished for good after next week which means i have a few weeks of nothingness at my disposal to get this sussed. After that it'll be job seeking time and board paying, end of active coin collecting and maybe end of internet. I really wouldn't want to leave somthing with as much potential as this out in the cold.

I don't have the bmc. numbers, Chris might.

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I think I wrote something for the maundy bit but it got buried under stacks of work.

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September is fine for me as I will be able to get the rest of the prices done and dusted during the summer holidays. And yes, I am doing the coppers.


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Excellent! :D

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