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United States Postal Service query

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The answer to this should be obvious/easy to ascertain, but strangely it's not.

I've ordered a coin from the USA and on the tracker it was shown as leaving JFK Airport New York at 9:27pm February 15, 2022. Is this 9:27pm their time (2:27am, 16.2.22, UK time), or was it already automatically adjusted to UK time. 

It wasn't shown when I looked at about 11:30pm last night, but was on this morning, which might indicate that it was actually 2:27am UK time. But given there is often a delay in updates getting posted, that's not a certainty.

Just wondered if anyone definitively knew. Thanks.    

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Using a process of elimination, I reckon all the times shown from beginning to end, are automatically converted to GMT - although what software does that, I really have no idea. The item is shown as leaving New York at 9:27pm 14.2.22 and then departing London Heathrow 9:15am 15.2.22. Given that the average flight from New York to London takes just over 7 hours, that rules out 2:27am as the New York leaving time, as it couldn't possibly have made it to London and then left, in less than 7 hours. 

The 9:27pm departure from New York has to be 9:27pm GMT, 4:27pm EST.   

Previous deliveries from the USA have definitely shown GMT time, once in the UK.    



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