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PWA 1967

The Farthing Specialist.

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Dont know if anyone can help me but tried with not much luck elsewhere.

I am looking to purchase any lists by John Minshull "The farthing specialist " preferably the actual list , alternatively if anyone has any and wants to keep them scans please.

Thank you if you can help.


Edited by PWA 1967

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I've got list 44 here, but it's problematic in that the page is too long to fit the scanner, and there are 52 pages. There's no easy way to get a copy to you unless I physically photograph the lot, but then the pages won't be a consistent size.

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  On 3/31/2022 at 11:13 PM, Rob said:

I've got list 44 here, but it's problematic in that the page is too long to fit the scanner, and there are 52 pages. There's no easy way to get a copy to you unless I physically photograph the lot, but then the pages won't be a consistent size.

Happy to buy it Rob unless you wish to keep it ,just message me should you wish to sell it.

Thank you.


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I have a couple from the late seventies but they are pretty manky with rips and a a couple of pages missing - I cannot imagine they are worth much - great to look back on though

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  On 4/2/2022 at 7:45 PM, copper123 said:

I have a couple from the late seventies but they are pretty manky with rips and a a couple of pages missing - I cannot imagine they are worth much - great to look back on though

Thank you ,i have sent you a message.


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  On 4/2/2022 at 7:45 PM, copper123 said:

I have a couple from the late seventies but they are pretty manky with rips and a a couple of pages missing - I cannot imagine they are worth much - great to look back on though

Thank you so much for the lists which arrived today ,i am really greatful 👍


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  On 4/7/2022 at 3:17 PM, PWA 1967 said:

Thank you so much for the lists which arrived today ,i am really greatful 👍


My first list from FS was just after John Minshull had got this fancy new typewriter with all the new fonts. Pre-computer it was cutting edge. It was a bound A4 light blue catalogue. The ones after that were just stapled I think and were always different colours, light green, orange etc. Always an exciting moment when his latest one popped through the door! They were all chucked out after I went to University but the dates were ~1977-1983. I wish I 'd kept some for memory's sake. 

He really went to town on the rarities,  I remember a 1685 Charles II tin farthing got about a page of write-up.

Edited by oldcopper
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Shame they got chucked out they seem in demand now.

I would hazard a guess that he got out one every three months or so , annoyingly they are not dated spring- summer -autumn- winter and the year would have been a great way to start off every list , though you can work out aprox when they were produced by little clues in the text , I had number 47 which seemed to date 1977 spring I would guess with the jubilee references in it

Edited by copper123

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  On 4/29/2022 at 11:17 AM, oldcopper said:

My first list from FS was just after John Minshull had got this fancy new typewriter with all the new fonts. Pre-computer it was cutting edge. It was a bound A4 light blue catalogue. The ones after that were just stapled I think and were always different colours, light green, orange etc. Always an exciting moment when his latest one popped through the door! They were all chucked out after I went to University but the dates were ~1977-1983. I wish I 'd kept some for memory's sake. 

He really went to town on the rarities,  I remember a 1685 Charles II tin farthing got about a page of write-up.

You should have seen the write -up when he got hold of an oliver cromwell farthing

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  On 5/3/2022 at 3:03 PM, copper123 said:

You should have seen the write -up when he got hold of an oliver cromwell farthing

Paper supplies must have run short!

  • Haha 1

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Hey there pwa did you find any other FS lists ? I think it might be fair to say they are quite scarce on the ground now .

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  On 8/11/2022 at 6:52 PM, copper123 said:

Hey there pwa did you find any other FS lists ? I think it might be fair to say they are quite scarce on the ground now .

Yes ,only a few which is all i wanted.

An ebay seller used pictures of one to desribe a coin ,so sent him a message asking if i bought the coin (which i didnt want) could i have the list please 😀

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Yes you see quite a few farthings selling on ebay with their original FS brown envelopes

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